I've got issues, mostly with wifi

I *think* someone recently mentioned that switching to AES instead of TKIP fixed this for them. Your mileage may vary, of course.

I tried that when I got in and it flies now....

cheers Prometheus :)
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Until I get around to getting that button fixed, is there an easy way to change its mapping on the fly? Letting 0 stand in for it on certain applications, for instance.
For those curious about the wifi, my old router conked out so I was forced to go buy a new one.

With my old router, it struggled to get to 300KB/s. It was a no name router (literally, no identifying marks anywhere) that I bought 7 or 8 years ago for $60.99 and a $60 mail in rebate. My laptop and BeagleBoard exceeded this limit by quite a bit, so I just believed that the 300KB/s was best I could get.

New one is a Netgear WPN824NA. Download sits around 750KB/s now, sometimes 650KB/s. Sometimes it falls to about 400KB/s but it quickly recovers. Just finished download Big Buck Bunny, 238MB file, in 6 minutes 33 seconds. Not a single dropped packet.

I am more convinced now than I was before that there is some kind of weird router compatibility issue, and I was already pretty convinced it was a router compatibility issue. Now if we could just figure out exactly what that issue is we might be able to go about fixing it.
I used to struggle to get 50Kb/s and that situation largely remains. However I messed with some more settings earlier re TKIP and AES and theres an improvement, so I shall give all the channel changing and turbo modes etc another go, as for my MiFi unit, a switch to AES has seen it fly (upto 400kb/s)and stop disconnecting on downloads above a couple of MB, so I am more than sorted with that now, even if I cant get the home router (belkin) to play any better. A steady 750kb/s would be dreamlike B)