Kareoke Game Ala Ultrastar (i Belive Win32 But Is Oss)

How about waiting for it to be released and see what developers start before we start making suggests on what someone else should do? These kinds of topics just take up space.
They also make me pine all the more for it. Like the picture of your ex girlfriend you keep on your dresser months after she's broken up with you, and the dress you can't help but put on because it reminds you so much of her.
@megamixman there is nothing wrong with a suggestion and i am not the type to go demanding that people do things... makes me sad that some people can't seem to get along around here

I can't relate.. don't have an ex.. X.x

I didn't mean to post only about Ultrastar (which would be rather dumb to post about in itself) anyway i just couldn't change the post title ... (something i can do in other forums ;) )

I didn't even realize these programs existed in open source form.... and my cousins enjoy them
I'm the author of KaraokeMachine, it runs on gp2x, but because of lack of time it is far from finished yet.
But it works (for a while), just is not very pretty hehe