Mame High Scores!!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2005
Come on all you Mame fans! I am having so much fun with these games. But the real fun was the whole high score thing!

So lets choose a few games to have high score leagues. This thread is for you to post which games you are playing, and which would be appropriate. They have to be games that can be fairly measured, ie. no continues etc. Of course, if you want to cheat you can, but that's not the fun!

So lets kick off. I haven't got into any one game particularly yet, as I only got the set a couple of days ago. But a few suggestions, then we narrow the list down to maybe 4 or 5, set up a thread for each game, and then get those batteries charged!!!!!!

Well, I'm bumping my own thread!!!

Can't believe that possibly the best idea since cheese and bread hasn't had a slew of happy gamers jumping on it!!! What do you guys want to do here, slag off each other or play games???


Having spent all afternoon trying to get high scores on Galaxian, I'd like to nominate that one. And maybe that penguin wars game too (haven't tried it yet). And Frogger is great too!

Come on people, I want competition!!!!
I am mainly playing Bomb Jack and Commando on Mame. Mame and Tilematch are my most used apps on the GP2x (I can't get past level 10 on Tilematch).

Your high score idea is a good one, but the problem with these things is most people feel excluded due to astronomical scores posted by someone far better than yourself.

One way we could do this though, is to choose one game a week/fortnight and have high scores emailed to you. At the end of the time period you could announce the best 5 or so. You could verify the top scores by asking people to supply their .hi files.
Yes, that's a good idea, a game a fortnight. Then everyone could join in!

Doesn't have to be mame even. Just a high score league for any emu would be nice....
How about Spout? Not an emu, but very fun, and has high scores. Oh, the hours I've wasted playing that game... *sigh*