Mobile Wiki / Data Organizer With Qtopia And Tiddlywiki


Still Fresh
Yesterday I finally upgraded my GP2X with v2.0 of the firmware. Soon after, I downloaded and installed Qtopia. Great stuff!

What I then did was copied my personal organizer / information database (which I created with the instant wiki software ) and now use the Qtopia install of Opera to view and update.

The Tiddlywiki page is kind of small on the GP2X screen, but I can live with it. What makes this so nice is that it's cross-platform compatible. All I do is move the Tiddlywiki html file to which ever PC or system I wish to use it on (Linux - at home; XP - at the office; and now my GP2X) and I've got all of my data right at hand.

TiddlyWiki, if you haven't heard of it before, it's a free, self contained Wiki database that stores all of its data in a single .html file, using Javascript to do all of navigation/organization functions. Very easy to use and reuse for most any purpose imaginable.

I love having this functionality with my GP2X! Outstanding work, everyone!