N64 Emulation (pc)


Jan 1, 2004
Gonna get a controller when I get paid (finally) and was wondering if N64 emulation is fesable on a 1.5ghz machine with 512mb ram and a geforce 2 mx 64mb graphics card. I really wanna play Lylat Wars and Mario Kart again and dont wanna fork out for a N64 then spend time looking for games :/
it ran half ok on my pc:
750mhz amd duron
320mb ddr ram
Blaster 5 FX5600 ultra, 128mb, 800mhz, ddr, agp, tv, dvi (copied that off the box!)

EDIT: how much would it be for a new amd athlon 3. somethingGHz processer cause i need a new faster one.
o dont go surfing the web for roms, youll end up on some pretty weird sites. you know where to go! (*****)
I know where to get all my roms from :)

I just tested Starfox 64 and although I didnt get into the game the planet slection screen only ran at 20fps, the inro animation speeded up alot... still abit jerky though. Any tweeks that would improve this?
Mario 64 runs v. playably on my p2 350 with 64 megs of gfx and around 350 ram with no sound:O. I'm gettin a small upgrade to 700mhz p3 soon though so I can't wait to try it then!

Edit: This is actually weird, no sound on project 64 running mario64 runs waaaaaaay faster than the gba emulators with sound that I've tried. And even seems better than my snes emulation, I need to turn sound off to make that better, but n64 seems to run mega smooth with no sound.

Any ideas why?!
drunken pinky get all ya n64 emulator needs of various irc chans (dont think i can say the chans... but i can say newnet and efnet :) )
Project64 & 1964 are two of the best emu's out there. Project64 hasn't had an upgrade for absolutely ages though, whilst 1964 are still releasing updates. The plugins seem to be compatible between the two also :)
It should be fine. PJ64 (Which I recommend you use) ran full speed for me on my Athlon XP 1400+ 384 DDR & 128mb GeForce4 Ti4200 (Which I later OCed to 1800 and got a little greedy with OCing and eventually fried my processor :D ).
Dozer posted on Apr 25 2004 at 07:38 PM said:
Edit: This is actually weird, no sound on project 64 running mario64 runs waaaaaaay faster than the gba emulators with sound that I've tried. And even seems better than my snes emulation, I need to turn sound off to make that better, but n64 seems to run mega smooth with no sound.

Any ideas why?
GBA emulators are slower.

I presume it's just because N64 emulators were written when PCs were slower so they've been optimised more.
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if you use project 64k you get the all the good features of project 64 1.4 but it also has kaillera.
i think thats how u spell it
the thing for net play