Need a new phone


Staff member
Mar 4, 2003
Well, it's not really an "Other Console", but I think it fits in here best.

My N900 died from the crappy Micro-USB Port today, which makes me really sad, as I loved the phone.

I'll probably try to get a new motherboard or a new used N900, but I thought I might ask you guys here for advice as well.

There are so many Smartphones out there today and though it looks like no one really suits me as good as the N900 did, it might be the case there IS one and I didn't know about it.

Here is what I'm looking for:

* Open system

* Possibility to layout your desktop as you like with different widgets (similar to the N900), split across multiple virtual desktop screens

* UI completely configurable (button sizes, font sizes, etc.), as I mostly like stylus-based phones, not touch-based ones. I don't want to spam a hires-screen with oversized thumb-friendly buttons.

* Keyboard

* ClawsMail as mail client (I've got 8 different eMail accounts with about 30 filters... I am not in the mood of setting these up, I simply want to copy the config from my desktop to my phone)

* 3G and WiFi

* Hires screen (at least 800x480)

* SSH Client (needed for server administration)

* Possibility to sync to Egroupware (using SyncML)

* Shouldn't be more expensive than 200 EUR

So... basically a newer version of the N900.

I'd love that.

Anyone of you got any ideas, or should I get another N900?

(does anyone where I could get a cheap motherboard?)
N950 is probably off limits, because only ~250 of them exist on this world.

I was searching for a phone to replace my N900 and best ans only thin I found is Motorola Droid 3. BUT there is a but... It is not sold in Europe... So currently best new N900 ia a N900... Or locked Droid3 from Canada (I did not check if you can unlock them or if someone else unofficially sells them unlocked)
...if you like community-supported free & open gadgets, you might be interested in the geeksphone

(though it doesn't meet your requirements)
ED buy any Android ready phone that have option to create wifi accesspoint [for example: Samsung Galaxy] and pair it up with OpenPandora. [i was using this combo when my cable internet was down, and it works great with OP].
Another N900....nothing beats it IMHO.

And your used to it already.
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ive been a masive fan of the hd2 ive had mine for 2 years now and it is the tits as far as phones go, it even runs ubuntu great. all my emus run full speed no probs (although my panda is now the primary use, i always use the hd2 for playing multi player psx and n64 games on my lunch break at work with my work colegues and 2 sixxis ps3 controles)

i know its only proof of concept but even the nulldc emu is runing at around 25-28 fps( which for a phone over 2 years old is quite impressive i think)

Also this has to be one of the most hacked phones of all time with a rediculos amount of mods and well over a good 100 different custom android builds floating about for it all with different specific needs for what ever you need the phone to do. it also runs all the windows builds (why you would want that) and it also runs ubuntu great and different linux builds. Also if you cant choose between which OS you want you can boot multiple different OS from you mmc and switch between them all as you need them. the hd2 overclocks to 1.4ghz for high end useage and can drop to 115mhz (leaving mine at this and only usng it for quick text messaging and short phone calls, i can get nearly 1 week battery out f my standard battery and nearly 2 out off my extended battery before it needs a charge again)

I would deffinately recomend one, there are some better phones now starting to come out, but there is nothing significantly better in my opinion so you could spend shed loads of cash on a brand spanking new phone, or i would imagin a HD2 will be relatively cheap nower days as its been on the market for so long.

Happy phone hunting
But you need to hack a bootloader on the hd2 and downgrade the radio for it etc. Quite a hassle, but if it is jailbroken once, it is a great thing!

I put cyanogen mod on the hd2 of my boss and it runs silky smooth.
But you need to hack a bootloader on the hd2 and downgrade the radio for it etc. Quite a hassle, but if it is jailbroken once, it is a great thing!

I put cyanogen mod on the hd2 of my boss and it runs silky smooth.
true its a bit of a hastle but i would consider myself quite computer illiterale compared to most users on these boards and i managed to do it relatively quickly without to many problems. So i would imagine ED could probably do it blind folded, pissed as a fart using a chinese keyboard no problems.
I don't want to play with my mobile phone, so I don't care about gaming or emulator speed or even gaming controls :)

While the Droid 3 looks nice, it's pretty expensive compared to my N900 - and it has Android.

I checked Android, and I didn't really like it. I didn't find a way to switch comfortably between tasks or even close tasks... is that not possible?

Also, it seems you need to buy an app for 16 EUR just to be able to sync with egroupware.... eeeek.
Yeah, that is really the most open phone out there by now. I also have one (and still using it), but I wouldn't advise anyone to buy one for everyday use. The hardware is really outdated. I'm looking forward to the gta04 project. But I don't think they will include a keyboard, since by now the plans are to reuse the old case design. (But whom do I tell this, ED already met those guys ;) )

Sadly Nokia abandoned the development for their meego-linux :( and decided to go with Microsoft and Windows Phone :unsure: , so there will be no such thing as the n900 again :( .

Did you make any decision, ED? I'm looking into the possibility of replacing my iPhone 4 and the n900 has always looked so appealing to my needs and wants.
I don't want to play with my mobile phone, so I don't care about gaming or emulator speed or even gaming controls :)

While the Droid 3 looks nice, it's pretty expensive compared to my N900 - and it has Android.

I checked Android, and I didn't really like it. I didn't find a way to switch comfortably between tasks or even close tasks... is that not possible?

Also, it seems you need to buy an app for 16 EUR just to be able to sync with egroupware.... eeeek.

look at the task manager on any phone running "ice cream sandwich", especially the samsung galaxy nexus they made a special point to enhance task management... switching between... closing unused and such. See if the manufacturer of whatever it is you are going to get is promising an upgrade.

check out 1:40 or so for demonstration

egroupware looks pretty niche... niche solutions cost money

my uneducated look at it says google docs or google wave would serve the same purpose... but agian I looked at it for exactly 30 seconds.
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