New Firmware?


Dec 2, 2005
Wales, UK
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i was reading the boards yesterday and people were talking about the korean site saying that there was going to be a new firmware? something like 1.0.2 can ne1 confurm this?
I have yet to see a GPH release without a delay ;)

I checked the offical site but there's no firmware to dl yet. Not sure what to believe though. In the official message I can see that it says:
"4th firmware which will be distributed at December 15th"

But in the news section here on the forum someone from korea has translated the whole message and it only says:
"will be avaliable this week or next week" :huh:
Firmware version 1.0.1 is the first major firmware update, and fixes all the problems that the first 2 firmwares fixed. Since the archive wasn't fully functioning till after 1.0.1 was released they probably decided not to post the earlier firmwares for obvious reasons.

At least thats my guess
Ah, makes sense. Well, when someone gets a hold of the new one, they should definitely upload it. It seems to handle some major issues, and, I think, helps out GPH's credibility at least a little bit. It seem like they know what's going on, finally... :)
i thought the 2 first where deleted from the archive by evildragon beacause the 3rd (version 1.01 or what it is...) had these two included so you didn't need them. So the best thing was not to confuse ppl or something like that...

Well im not sure. But im sure the archive was fully working though there where nothing to upload :blink:
Jacxz posted on Dec 15 2005 at 11:39 AM said:
i thought the 2 first where deleted from the archive by evildragon beacause the 3rd (version 1.01 or what it is...) had these two included so you didn't need them. So the best thing was not to confuse ppl or something like that...

Well im not sure. But im sure the archive was fully working though there where nothing to upload :blink:

Your right Jacxz it was up and running my mistake :)
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I wonder though... they said to have a new firmware available arround this month that has a higher SD compatibility as well as 2GB SD recognition...

but we all know: GPH Time =/= World Time ^^
ugh... I really want some 2gb card compatability... kinda annoying have one sitting here and not being able to use it.
I want the interlacing problem to be solved! It's what made me inquire about returnig my gp2x today.
Bah. I wish I was going to korea with my friend. Then I would just walk to their HQ and say...
UPGRADE ME PLEASE! *Sicks out GP2x* lol.
evilsaywhat posted on Dec 16 2005 at 12:18 AM said:
I want the interlacing problem to be solved! It's what made me inquire about returnig my gp2x today.

That's actually already mostly done - just run the CPU/LCD-tweaker program, press the button to switch it to UPLL, and then set it to somewhere between 0 and 2; 0 is probably nicest, but I find it gives me wavey lines, so one or 2 are a good compromise. -1 or less does remove all scanlines and waves, but also makes the colours appear faded. Once you've found a setting you linke, learn a little bit of Linux scripting, and set up a script to run so it automatically runs before each program and sets the right LCD values, and voila! No more scanlines :)

Of course, it's conceivable battery life may be reduced, as the screen appears brighter, but it's quite a lot nicer too :)
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Okay wait a second I'm confused. You're saying the FW patches that were released shortly after launch (ie. the patch20051112 containing the kernel.img file and patch20051117 with updates to MP3 and ereader) are the same thing as the 1.01 update? then why dosent my GP2X say 1.01? (Granted I didnt get around to really installing the 20051112 patch, but that one was supposed to be a minimal change.) It still has a very vivid screen, something that some have mentioned becomes a bit more washed out when the 1.01 update and I'm not seeing the flickering in DrMDx that everyone else claims to see on FW1.0

Seems to me the patch was a better thing to have than the full FW update.
granted I didnt get the improved Xvid/Divx stability, but I dont get any flicker in games and my screen looks find even with the little diaglonal ghost lines, which have never been all that bad on mine.
SiN posted on Dec 16 2005 at 07:51 PM said:
It's nearly the 17th in Korea, I guess it's delayed or something-or-rather.

well, my gp2x is back from the recall
and it has ver 1.1.0 on it

not sure why they aren't releasing it....
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my guess is they've got the firmware coded, they just need to sort out a patching script/program