New in Pandora town


Dec 14, 2011
Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Hello to everybody.

I have been reading and following news about pandora the last three years but this last year i finally decided to preorder one. It looks really impressive (i have been drooling a lot over all those youtube videos). I play emulators most of the time and also have been using some linux distros (puppy, DSL and ubuntu mostly). So it seems pandora will fit just right for my needs.

As i can see the emulators and applications are only getting better. I see right now that there is a solid software catalog that keeps improving. Just to mention something negative i can see that the DSP is not been put to work yet (though notaz got DSlink to work on pandora). As for now this thing about not using the DSP is the only negative aspect i see in pandora.

Well, i have some questions about my preorder. I know that i can ask sales, but i think that they are handling a lot of emails and i believe my questions are easy to answer (for those who have made a purchase at least).

1) When i placed my preorder i have received an email explaining a lot of things. There was instructions on how to send a payment for completing the preorder. So i send some money through paypal. Should i receive another confirmation email about my preorder been complete?

2) I read in this forums about a premium order. When i placed my preorder i didnt see any option for that. But then EvilDragon mention this option in the news thread of 2012-12-12. Is this option available? How can i upgrade?

Thanks in advance.

Glad to join the comunity! ;)
Welcome Gausen.

I don't think premium orders are still available at this point. Right now ED is trying to get a test run going of the board production in Germany. Once that is solved, they should be able to produce approx. 1000 units per month (disclaimer: such claims have never been correct in the past three years). If I remember correctly, the plan was to interleave outstanding and new orders (like the premium ones were in the past) to cover production costs.

Did you receive a payment confirmation? You ought to get one of those. Not sure if ED will send another confirmation aside from that one.
Welcome Gausen.

I don't think premium orders are still available at this point. Right now ED is trying to get a test run going of the board production in Germany. Once that is solved, they should be able to produce approx. 1000 units per month (disclaimer: such claims have never been correct in the past three years). If I remember correctly, the plan was to interleave outstanding and new orders (like the premium ones were in the past) to cover production costs.

Did you receive a payment confirmation? You ought to get one of those. Not sure if ED will send another confirmation aside from that one.

I was reading about production, seems quite an adventure (i really hope everything goes well this time). Regarding my preorder, I do have the receipt from paypal. Thank you.