GP32 Newbie Programming


Efram the retarded rabbit
Jul 2, 2003
Are there different languages that the gp32 can understand? I am a total n00b to programming but am willing to start. If there are different programming methods, which would you recomend on the basis of being easy to learn and speed on the gp. Thanx
I've just bought a book called 'C++ Fundamentals' And I have to say it is absolutely brilliant, and it's the only C++ book I have found that helps those with no previous coding experience at all. Having read three chapters in the space of a few hours, I can now look at GP32 based code(which is just C++) and not be as confused as I was, but that doesn't mean that I could just go ahead and create something, but it does feel as if I'm slowly getting there, and I reckon that in a few days I should be able to make something controllable on screen.

Anyhoo, I recommend you make sure you're comfortable with either C or C++ and then take a look at Rico's tutorials afterwards. This is the route I'm taking and believe me, I've tried a few methods......just search for a good book and then be prepared to wait as it isn't going to happen over night.
yes i am looking for some guidance as to learning to program and then eventually for the gp32... heh we should form a class with set objectives everyday to learn :P i'm currently using to learn it seems to be more indepth than others but not to complicated. Should i be trying to learn gp32 programming first or x86
Also I recommend you stop learning C, C++ isn't more difficult to learn than C the ++ just means it's full of advanced features and easier language. It's also a lot more flexible, and you'll find that you'll have to learn it anyway on top of C therefore doubling your learning time.

Oh and as answer to your question before, GP32 or X86?....well GP32 can be written for with C++ you just have to use the software dev kit as your source for header files. So my suggestion is to just avoid trying to learn a particular platform and instead just learn the general code and then once you know it inside out, Rico's tutorials will fill in the gaps between PC and GP32, either way it's going to take time and I've wasted alot of it trying to take shortcuts.

I'm no expert, but I'm just speaking from experience.
There's a few good internet guides, but a lot of the time they don't bother explaining what some of the terms mean in the first place, so you just get confused.

I've finally broken down and bought a C++ book, but there are online tutorials out there (and for game creation, I'll prolly end up looking t them at some stage anyway).
I haven't bought more than one but I pulled up a chair in waterstones the other day and flicked through most of the ones available, the one I have bought 'C++ Fundamentals' Is the only one that really caters for the inexperienced (although it does require some common sense).

I've had it since wednesday and so far I've learnt a hell of a lot (probably enough to make a calculator of some sort) and I haven't devoted that much time to it maybe 3-4hours.
It comes with a CD and an internet link to direct you to a free compiler.

So far I've read 110 pages and it's about 500 thick, it shows you examples of how everything looks every step of the way and tells you when to type what into a compiler, however I haven't used the CD or followed any of the examples for real on my PC yet, and I'm learning fine just reading it in the car or on the train. I intend to go back to the start and redo everything for real, but to be honest it's so good at explaining it that I don't think I'll need to, I just make sure that I go through the code in the book and explain to myself what's happening and why.

It does have a few tricky bits now and again, I spent 20mins on one page this morning :o
Twimfy posted on Jul 26 2003 said:
It comes with a CD and an internet link to direct you to a free compiler.

So far I've read 110 pages and it's about 500 thick, it shows you examples of how everything looks every step of the way and tells you when to type what into a compiler, however I haven't used the CD or followed any of the examples for real on my PC yet, and I'm learning fine just reading it in the car or on the train. I intend to go back to the start and redo everything for real, but to be honest it's so good at explaining it that I don't think I'll need to, I just make sure that I go through the code in the book and explain to myself what's happening and why.

It does have a few tricky bits now and again, I spent 20mins on one page this morning :o
If you don't mind me asking, how old are you? Also, is that book, C++ Fundamentals, available online for purchase?
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C++ in easy steps is the one I've gone for, and so far its been pretty good. I don't think it mentions anything outside the scope of an ASCII terminal application though, so I'll need to work that stuff out from the net. Oh joy.
Erm, no I don't mind I'm 18 although why you need to know is beyond me.

Anyhoo that's one thing I forgot to mention that Tobriand has, this book doesn't step outside of ASCII standards very often.

I'll have a look around the net today for it.....I presume you're in the US?
Twimfy posted on Jul 27 2003 said:
Erm, no I don't mind I'm 18 although why you need to know is beyond me.

Anyhoo that's one thing I forgot to mention that Tobriand has, this book doesn't step outside of ASCII standards very often.

I'll have a look around the net today for it.....I presume you're in the US?
Yeah I'm in california. I wanted to know because you said it is so far it has been easy for you, i wanted to know how easy the book was, IMO, if you were like 13 and it was easy for you, then it would mean the book teaches C++ very eaisly unless of course you are a 13 year old genious :) . Anyways, I was just curious. I could only find the book available for download.
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