No More 275mhz Units?

I greatly appreciate your mature reply. A response in this manner is extremely uncommon on this forum. Of course you are fully entitled to your views on the issue, as am I to my own. I will reciprocate your statement in that I hope my remarks did not strike you as a personal attack of any sort.

Not at all, I've swam around the internet long enough to know not to take forum posting to heart.

I believe I'll give this a shot. I will say, however, that since GP32X is the largest avenue of communication regarding the GP2X in Europe, the US and Australia (potentially the world), making public the wrongdoing against consumers in such a public light may work better than attempting to make a case with a government organization that probably has much larger and significant work to be concerned with, and would likely not give the issue the time of day. (If I am wrong about this bit, my apologies.) At any rate, I doubt the majority of offenses commited by GPH/Craig/GBAX could be considered 'criminal', but still harm the consumer and should be made public knowledge nonetheless.

I agree that making you beliefs known here on GP2X means it will reach possibly the largest audience of potential and current GP2X owners on the internet. False advertising and other problems you mention are considered law breaking here in the UK.

Trading Standards has a sister arm so to speak called Consumer Direct, this is who you should take the matter up with. The URL's are:

This URL covers the false advertising bit.
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This is most certaintly not false advertising. It is fairly misleading though. I see this constantly from huge corporations. I think however that it is pretty clear that many people have been mislead and about 4 words on the gbax website should simply be changed. It would be incredibly stupid to get the government involved though and that could only hurt the community
Hi, I'm new here and have only just ordered myself a gp2x. In fact it's my first handheld.

Before buying I checked out info on the web and posts on this forum. The gp2x is the only handheld that has got my interest enough to buy. I bought the 270mhz deal from as I decided I was happier getting a model guaranteed to a higher speed - even if I never need the extra power I know I will feel more content.

I didn't mind paying more as I've been used to Intel using this practice since I first started using and building PCs. Other sellers often charge more for PC memory and CPUs that has been tested by them to perform above manufacturers stated levels so why not a gp2x reseller? My take is that if you don't like it don't buy it. If I'm let down by for whatever reason then I'll stop dealing with them and leave the rest to karma.

I hope my excitement is justified, I want the gp2x for fun and a distraction from my stressful day job and long commute. I not sure I care about it being perfect, that would be boring.

Anyway I glad this is a heathy and sometimes heated forum it means there are interesting things afoot.

Best regards.
Anyway I glad this is a heathy and sometimes heated forum it means there are interesting things afoot.
At least it keeps everyone entertained while we're waiting for the next 'big' release.

I'm content as long as Craig's 270 Gp2x's really can run at 270 stably and without damage over a prolonged period of time. If that is true, then even the mentally lacking consumer who fails to do proper research is covered. Besides can one actually use a gp2x without research? As regards the destruction of the 'Gp2x lottery' - well I never approved of gambling anyway... ;)

@Epicentre, logic and methodology are all well and good, but there's also something I like to call diplomacy, which mostly involves not saying what you mean in such a way that everyone knows what you're saying. I'm just saying that logic on it's own, just leads to argument, logic + tact, leads to discussion... and possible misunderstanding.

I've seen a lot of your posts, and no you're definitely not a troll, some very stirring stuff though... I like my Gp2x, but I don't worship it, hence I'm not disillusioned by the fact that the only thing it an do that my computer can't, is fit in my pocket, and even then, not very well. Oh and Payback, but, eh, its not really my type of game anyway. Why should I be annoyed, what more could I expect*? Yes the actual hardware is a bit eccentric perhaps, and no doubt awkward to code for, but let's cut the guys at GPH some slack. They're not a big company and even Sony still messes up in the HW department (well maybe DRM actually, anybody ever own a Sony MD, I had to record, in analogue, to get a track off it. Now that made me mad...)

Actually, the main reason I like it, is because I can fiddle with it easily unlike, eg ds or psp, requiring either extra money or extra money and hardware(ds?).

So... 275mhz isn't commercially viable - only 270 hmm. Oh, Oh I've got an idea, there's a thread over the way about a gba emu, let's argue whether its possible or not, we can even place bets!!! // end super heavy sarcasm.

*Umm wifi???
@Epicentre, logic and methodology are all well and good, but there's also something I like to call diplomacy, which mostly involves not saying what you mean in such a way that everyone knows what you're saying. I'm just saying that logic on it's own, just leads to argument, logic + tact, leads to discussion... and possible misunderstanding.
I'm very straightforward; I don't believe there is any point in beating around the bush unless it will cause serious harm to a friend or loved one... I consider the chance of offending strangers on the internet's preferred game hardware to be a risk of minimal consequence.

Yes the actual hardware is a bit eccentric perhaps, and no doubt awkward to code for, but let's cut the guys at GPH some slack. They're not a big company and even Sony still messes up in the HW department
I understand your viewpoint, but it's far too common this forum for GPH's customers to think of themselves as somehow priveleged in taking part in the GP2X experience; as though they were given an honor or gift in the GP2X. In actuality, they are consumers and GPH is selling them products. As consumers, they have the same basic rights and must defend and stand up for themselves. Accepting a broken product like the MK1 and then paying again for an MK2 instead of demanding a replacement is, for lack of a better term, 'wimping out' because GPH is 'a small company'. Small companies turn out great products all the time. They use their limited resources and take their time to develop a strong product, gain investor interest, build up MORE resources and form the most solid release possible, delivering as much support as they can muster.

GPH's approach was to rush the product to market with known faults (Craig himself described this to me) due to lack of money. A sensible company would stop development, secure venture capital of some sort, continue the prototyping process and release the product when it was deemed ready for the market. GPH did not observe these standard practices and instead released broken and comprimised hardware, charging consumers again for a partial fix (the MK2.) This is extremely imappropriate behavior, and it takes only a step back from the 'community aspect' of the GP2X to realize one's true role in this financial transaction should be differentiated in no way from any other.

If you bought a Nintendo DS, and the D-Pad was faulty and slow to respond, the Left direction didn't work, the screen flickered and was too dark in the middle, the headphone jack fell into the unit, capacitors fell off and rattled around inside, GBA support was broken even though Nintendo promised it would run GBA games, and the battery life was half that advertised, you would demand a refund. You would not wait for a 'Nintendo DS MK2' to fix your problems, and shell out the purchase price again for this new version. Business relations with GPH should be no different. If GPH cannot profit because they must replace user's units with new fixed versions, this is their own fault and a result of poor planning, best remedied by better design and quality assurance testing. Simple as that.
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If you bought a Nintendo DS, and the D-Pad was faulty and slow to respond, the Left direction didn't work, the screen flickered and was too dark in the middle, the headphone jack fell into the unit, capacitors fell off and rattled around inside, GBA support was broken even though Nintendo promised it would run GBA games, and the battery life was half that advertised, you would demand a refund. You would not wait for a 'Nintendo DS MK2' to fix your problems, and shell out the purchase price again for this new version.

That is all true, if we choose to forget about one tiny detail. The gp2x is a product aimed at enthusiasts, not at the wider community. If a consumer wishes to buy a gaming console to "play games" (any games), the ds, psp, gba, gbc or whatever will do. But if a consumer wishes to have more control, emulation and other stuff that's advertised (true or not) - having no choice he or she buys a gp2x. There are is virtually no competition in this field and one needs to make a simple decision - "am I able to live with all the faults to get what I want?". I'm quite positive it's not the way things should be and totally agree with you on that part, but perhaps most people prefer a faulty gp2x than no gp2x at all? After all, it's their choice.

Heck, I read about all the problems every day on this board and still haven't made my mind up as to whether to buy one - it's not a very clear choice.
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I guess it's all relative to expectations. I gather that Epicentre has put alot of personal time and effort into the gp2x with the hope that this investment would provide him a better future. If he based his efforts on falsities from GPH and their resellers then I understand why he feels hacked off. When something like this happens it is very easy to forget all the positives and only see the negatives.

I'm not pinning anything onto my gp2x I just want to enjoy it at 200, 270 or 300 mhz. If GPH or let me down I won't get bitter I'll just be twice shy in the future. I'm banking that all the good people who contribute software and advice will make all the difference.

I'll let you know how I feel after I've had it a week or so. Most people I know spent most of yesterday telling me I should have got a psp - we'll see, maybe I still will.
That is all true, if we choose to forget about one tiny detail. The gp2x is a product aimed at enthusiasts, not at the wider community. If a consumer wishes to buy a gaming console to "play games" (any games), the ds, psp, gba, gbc or whatever will do. But if a consumer wishes to have more control, emulation and other stuff that's advertised (true or not) - having no choice he or she buys a gp2x. There are is virtually no competition in this field and one needs to make a simple decision - "am I able to live with all the faults to get what I want?". I'm quite positive it's not the way things should be and totally agree with you on that part, but perhaps most people prefer a faulty gp2x than no gp2x at all? After all, it's their choice.
It isn't that simple. GPH didn't make the system to be a linux hacker's wonderland, they chose Linux because it was free and didn't even pay attention to the implications of the GPL. It wasn't for anything to be open-source or hackable; in fact every bit of source code we have, had to be fought for. GPH made what they thought everyone would use as a video/audio player and only recently figured out what people really do with the machine. So, you can't even say 'well, they screwed it up, but they had great intentions of freedom and open-source homebrew goodness', because they meant no such thing.

Furthermore, even if a device is meant to be hackable is no excuse to release it faulty. Quality and Open design are not mutually exclusive attributes. This is an artificially fabricated reality commonly imposed by this community that clouds such persons from awareness that they are being screwed by the companies in which they invest so much blind faith. They think that since the system is open enough that they can run piles of emulators and homebrew software, that it's OK for the product itself to be faulty and that it's OK to throw money at problems that shouldn't exist and that weren't the fault of the customer. The customer gets socked in the face, says 'Thank you sir, can I have another', with the hope that next time the blow won't be quite as strong. Another fine analogy would be the abused housewife who insists her husband 'means well' after he beats her up.

mumbleswerve said:
I guess it's all relative to expectations. I gather that Epicentre has put alot of personal time and effort into the gp2x with the hope that this investment would provide him a better future. If he based his efforts on falsities from GPH and their resellers then I understand why he feels hacked off. When something like this happens it is very easy to forget all the positives and only see the negatives.
Bingo. I wouldn't be so upset if I hadn't invested a great deal of time, money and energy into projects for the GP2X that quickly became useless once reality sank in. The GP2X was always too good to be true. The depressing thing is how much potential it had-- GPH just doesn't know what they're doing, and I will not hold out hope that they ever will. Maybe one day they will pleasantly surprise me. But I highly doubt it, and I will not hold my breath for that day.
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A fine example is the Register, who stated in no uncertain terms that the CPU was upgraded to a 275 MHz unit, because they too were deceived.

Their link to in their "Hacker-friendly handheld console gets faster processor" article has a referral in it:

Have a look at the bottom of the article: Hacker-friendly handheld console gets faster processor

Are they getting a cut for referring people on the basis of false information? Not like :(
Epicenter, I thought you said you wouldn't troll the GP2X board any more?

The GP2X is easily the best handheld available for homebrew, and it has surpassed my expectations enormously.
A fine example is the Register, who stated in no uncertain terms that the CPU was upgraded to a 275 MHz unit, because they too were deceived.

Their link to in their "Hacker-friendly handheld console gets faster processor" article has a referral in it:

Have a look at the bottom of the article: Hacker-friendly handheld console gets faster processor

Are they getting a cut for referring people on the basis of false information? Not like :(
Likely so. In fact, almost definitely so. And this article is just FULL of false information. Not just the CPU bit. Look at this:

The Register said:
The whole lot runs on a pair of AA batteries, which yield 5-10 hours' playback, the console's UK importer, GP32/2x Distribution, said.
That's an outright lie. Most users get 5 hours or less on 2 high-end batteries like Duracell 2650 MaH cells or Energizer 2500MaH ones-- that's running games. Playing video, where the ARM940T, MPEG-4 decoder, postprocessor etc. are engaged, it's more like 3 hours, or less. If you use the scaler (any video not 320x240 is scaled automatically) and/or utilize TV Out, you'll knock hours off your playback time, too. '5-10 hours' indeed.

The referral bit clinches it. This is fraud and I am reporting it immediately to the relevant authorities.

gaterooze said:
Epicenter, I thought you said you wouldn't troll the GP2X board any more?
We've been over this. Shut up and read the thread before you bring your obnoxious knee-jerk reactionary replies into this conversation.

gaterooze said:
The GP2X is easily the best handheld available for homebrew, and it has surpassed my expectations enormously.
Why did you even post this? Your reply has nothing to do with the topic at hand, it's just you posting to make it clear you are a mindless fanboy drone, and it's people like you that are at the very core of the problems with this forum and community-- first and foremost the unwillingless to admit you are consumers and GPH is a company-- you are not being given a gift, you're buying a product. And in doing so, you are being screwed. Accept that and stop trying to spread the word of the GP2X like GOSPEL. Look at this nonsense, we have people posting topics that resemble a confession for turning people away from the GP2X, as if the poster feels SHAMED for their actions. This sort of behavior is lunacy.
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Why did you even post this? Your reply has nothing to do with the topic at hand, it's just you posting to make it clear you are a mindless fanboy drone, and it's people like you that are at the very core of the problems with this forum and community-- first and foremost the unwillingless to admit you are consumers and GPH is a company-- you are not being given a gift, you're buying a product. And in doing so, you are being screwed. Accept that and stop trying to spread the word of the GP2X like GOSPEL. Look at this nonsense, we have people posting topics that resemble a confession for turning people away from the GP2X, as if the poster feels SHAMED for their actions. This sort of behavior is lunacy.

Holy ****, you're in a bad mood. Sure, I'm a consumer but I was smart and waited for the MK2's to come out. I knew about the GP2X before it's presales were released and knew there'd be some sort of issues to work out. I was smart and waited it out patiently, reading the forums every few months. Now that the MK2's out and proven to be a nice machine, I ordered one and couldn't be happier.

And yes, the GP2X is a gift to me and others. I never expected to be able to buy something that runs Linux and is such a dream to develop programs for. I never get too nostalgic about companies, but this is a pretty risky area (niche handhelds) to be basing an entire business around, and I think they'll be lucky if they survive at all. I'm willing to cut them a lot of slack for that, since their product is so amazing in its current revision. I don't give a crap about .WMV support, I don't care about playing games for 10 hours vs. 4 hours (here's a hint: spend $10 on another set of quality batteries). Their target audience has already done all the research to figure these things out anyways.
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Epicenter your negativity isn't healthy and neither is your pedantic ramblings.

If you must maintain that save the * attitude you are exhibiting then how about you get up off your arse and go outside and spend as much time as you can doing something meaningful in the world instead of the above keyboard bashing because it really is becoming tiresome and boring and no doubt eventually you will look back and see it as such.

Give yourself a break and let others look after themselves. :)
Epicenter your negativity isn't healthy and neither is your pedantic ramblings.
I'll live.

If you must maintain that save the * attitude you are exhibiting then how about you get up off your arse and go outside and spend as much time as you can doing something meaningful in the world
In my part of the world it is 10:40 PM. Where do you recommend I go at this hour to make my mark in the world? My deepest apologies for spending the rest of the day hard at work after getting up at 6 in the morning to do so. If I visit internet forums before going to sleep, I clearly have no meaning or substance in my life.

By that token, what are YOU doing here?
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I can't see why a processor manufacturer would so under-rate their processor, logic would suggest that you can't get something for nothing.
Here's something interesting, years ago I remember that standard Intel CPUs were running at 166Mhz and 200Mhz. Obviously the 200Mhz CPUs were more expensive, but you could actually run the 166Mhz CPUs at 200Mhz. I was at a Micro fare at Earls Court in London and I asked one of the guys at intel why do the 166Mhz ones run perfectly fine at 200Mhz, and he said: "They are the same CPUs, it's cheaper for us to have one production line making 200Mhz CPUs and just badge them 166Mhz or 200Mhz and charge more for the 200Mhz ones!".
I think everyone is forgetting it takes 2 to troll, the troll and those that react. This happens a lot in these forums.

If you can't stop yourself reacting there's always "My Controls->Manage Ignored Users"

Don't feed the troll
If you must maintain that save the * attitude you are exhibiting then how about you get up off your arse and go outside and spend as much time as you can doing something meaningful in the world
In my part of the world it is 10:40 PM. Where do you recommend I go at this hour to make my mark in the world? My deepest apologies for spending the rest of the day hard at work after getting up at 6 in the morning to do so. If I visit internet forums before going to sleep, I clearly have no meaning or substance in my life.

By that token, what are YOU doing here?

There you go being pedantic again. Seriously, take a long break from all the crap - say to yourself: FUCK IT I DON'T CARE. Maybe even keep your PC switched off for a few weeks or something and also you might want to consider a mantra to heal your wounds while you're at it. A mantra along the lines of "I will NOT be a pedantic internet whiner anymore!" and above all else keep it going so as to not fall back into the same rut.
Just to throw my two cents in... I've got a First Edition with the old joystick cap and all and I couldn't be happier. I run SquidgeSNES at 280mHz with no problems... PSX4all as well. I run most apps at 275 or 270 but I have yet to have a problem with OCing. My joystick isn't great but it doesn't make me burst into tears either; it does what it should for the most part.

I understood from day one that this was going to be an adventure, that's why I jumped at the First Edition... I knew it would have growing pains and now, after 5 firmware updates, I'm pretty damn happy.

If someone wants to pop for a guaranteed 270mHz system... great, enjoy. If not, then don't... but don't bitch that it's available either.
Why did you even post this?

You just spent two pages wailing that the GP2X is "useless," broken, "too good to be true," etc. It was all getting a bit stinky.

Your reply has nothing to do with the topic at hand, it's just you posting to make it clear you are a mindless fanboy drone, and it's people like you that are at the very core of the problems with this forum and community-- first and foremost the unwillingless to admit you are consumers and GPH is a company-- you are not being given a gift, you're buying a product. And in doing so, you are being screwed.

I see. You're saying that because I am very happy with my purchase and feel I have received far more than my money's worth, I am being screwed?

If you don't like your GP2X, that's well and good, but why do you refuse to accept that many thousands of people like theirs quite a lot?
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epicentre, "you're coming across like a real charming character". Take a step back and check your posts - that is some mean, vindictive stuff.
I'm only relating true events. I and many others have been screwed over by Craig numerous times.
As part of your 'service' to the buying public please relate these numerous nefarious dealings so we may be on the look out.

I am surprised you are the only one, of the many you claim he has ripped off, to voice your concerns. Even people who make no claim to having been 'ripped off' are jumping in and fanning the flames - as is human nature.

I would have thought the numerous other victims would have been backing up your claims vociferously- where are they ? Who are they ?

As it stands you are coming across as a lone, bitter little man, with a venomous hatred towards Craig, who's poor programming skills have left you with an unworkable product.
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