Release Not Tetris


Serial Porter
Aug 15, 2012
France, near Lyon
Here is Not Tetris, from Stabyourself. It's Tetris, but with a twist.

Same löve engine as with Not Pacman, but this time I updated SDL (fixed some thread problems) and lunixboch libGL (latest version), so it runs.
And a video of the gameplay on the Pandora by Ingoreis

I adapted keys to the Pandora (so DPad + Buttons are used), and adapted also the 2 player layout, and modified the picture to reflect the new keys.

Go luck, this game is reeeaaally difficult!

History log


Build 08


  • Improved C4A using newest fusilli client: only best scores of the session will be send

Build 07


  • Updated Fusilli client from Ziz, with fixed cached upload for large cache
Build 06


  • Using Fusilli client from Ziz, with cached upload
Build 05


  • Fixed c4a score upload

Build 04


  • Recompiled Löve 0.7.2 with LuaJIT.

Build 03


  • Added dual Nub support (both Nubs and DPad/Buttons are active at the same time)
  • Fresh compile (faster?).
Build 02


  • Added C4A Support
Build 01


  • Initial build
  • Key (and picture) customization
  • Fullscreen by default
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Now I got Mari0, NotPacman and NotTetris on my desktop.

I can imagine the coming situation:

"Oh, you are playing Tetris, how ni.... what the... what is this and what is that thing?!"

<It's Pandora's Box opened and this is not Tetris. B) >

Now it seems like a twisted NintendoDS playing Tetris from hell.
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I love it so much.

After figuring out how to control it I could go up to level 11.

Don't know if it's good or not.
Testet it now and it's quite funny. ^^  And I have no clue when and why it clears lines in between, it seems to happen randomly. :D I even did a 4x (Tetris) line clear and no clue why. I guess with enough "weight" or dense this happens? 

Game is a little bit slow, I guess I have to overclock my old CC unit a bit for this kind of physics. It's getting slower as more elements messs onto the screen obviously.

1: Line is little longer than it needs to be to be deleted.

2: Grey/White stripes are lines

3: little black bars on the left show how much is inside a line

4: If line is full/dark black, then it will be deleted

5: Game checks if line is full whenever a new block appears, not when a block randomly fills one line
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Yes, I've spotted the little grey bars to the left, the funny thing is, the whole structure can change sometimes which suddenly closes lines, even in the middle of the stack, pretty crazy. :)
Yes, I've spotted the little grey bars to the left, the funny thing is, the whole structure can change sometimes which suddenly closes lines, even in the middle of the stack, pretty crazy. :)
I thought this is due to weight and flexibility of the tiles. Adding more weight compresses the stack slightly, pushing some lines over the limit. Impulse/Kinetic energy can also be used to push tiles if hit appropriately. This is really neat, though the simulation doesn't feel fully correct sometimes (like vertical speed doesn't seem to make a difference).

edit: vertical inertia works fine, but the problem is that AFAICT line removal resets the speed of all tiles to zero. I can guess the technical reason for this, but it makes some smart moves impossible.
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For the upcoming C4A edition of Not Tetris, can someone submit a good looking Marquee?

Thanks in advance (I suck at graphics) :)
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Very nice and entertaining game :) Thanks for porting pS!
I accidently had my Pandora downclocked to 500MHz today. This makes the game much easier. Could be used as a cheat with th proposed C4A.
I accidently had my Pandora downclocked to 500MHz today. This makes the game much easier. Could be used as a cheat with th proposed C4A.
Hum, that will be difficult to test :( especialy from inside the lua code. And I don't want to put an error message in the runscript "Error: Your Pandora is clocked too slow" or somthing like that (but that I can do easily).