O2em V1.01 An Odyssey 2 (g7000) & Videopac+ Emulator For The Gp2x


Jun 2, 2006
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*************** Version 1.02 Now Available with Fixed ROM selector *******************

Took rather longer than expected but finally:


Version 1.01

Modifications/Improvements for Version 1.01 of GP2X Port

Major re-organisation of GP2X specific source code intp gp2x.c and gp2x.h

No longer uses allegro library for joystick polling, this was done to allow start, select and volume controls to be utilised (then realized the library had been patched to add these, DOH!)

Due to a bug in the allegro library, version 1.00 of the emulator would lock up if it was the first application run on booting up (not an issue if you use gmenu2x), therefore added a workaround to overcome this.
** Added ROM selector **
Activate by pressing Select
Up Down and Shoulder buttons to navigate
'B' to load ROM
Select to cancel and return to current ROM.

If no ROM is passed on the command line when launcing the emulator the ROM selector will appear after loading, otherwise the ROM passed in will be loaded (this maintain compatibility with gmenu2x).

** Main Menu **
Activate by pressing Start
Up and Down to navigate, B to trigger option.
Start to exit menu (or the Exit Menu option)

** Reset Emulator **
Activated from the main menu.
Equivalent of pressing the Reset button on the original console.

** Exit Emulator **
Activated from the main menu.

** Load and Save States **
Activated from the main menu.
Only one state per ROM is currently available.
These are simply saved as files in the ./states directory (make sure it exists), filename is based on rom name with the .SAV extension.

** Switch Sticks **
Activated from the main menu.
There seems little consistency to which stick is required to play one player games, therefore this option will change which stick the GP2X is currently bound to. If a game doesn't seem to respond to the controls then try this option, 95/100 it will sort the problem out.

** Volume **
Change using Volume buttons, pressing both down together immediately sets the volume to 0

** Controls **
Currently only the 0,1,2,3, and 4 keys can be pressed via the

L Shoulder 0
R Shoulder 1
Y 2
A 3
X 4
B is the fire button

These can be used to select games 0-4 at the Select Game screen, other variations are therefore currently unavailable. Virtual Keyboard coming soon(ish)

Start - Activate Main Menu
Select - Activate ROM selector
Volume - Change Volume, press Up and Down simultaneously to mute

** TODO **
Virtual Keyboard
Allow swiching between Pal and NTSC within emulator
Allow bios changing within emulator
Anything else thats springs to mind, suggestions welcome

Included in the archive are 3 gpe files.
o2em_gp2x.gpe is the main emulator application
o2em.gpe is a script that starts up the emulator as a G7000 (Odyssey 2)
o2emp.gpe is a script that starts up the emulator as a G7400 (Odyssey 3, as it would have been called if it had been released!)[/cut]
Great work. It's looking good. A couple of issues I'm having though :-

1) Number of roms seems to be limited to 30 in the rom selector.
2) If you press select to cancel the rom selector screen when you first enter the emulator it will hang on a black screen.
3) Sometimes hangs on exit.

Keep up the good work.
Great work. It's looking good. A couple of issues I'm having though :-

1) Number of roms seems to be limited to 30 in the rom selector.
2) If you press select to cancel the rom selector screen when you first enter the emulator it will hang on a black screen.
3) Sometimes hangs on exit.

Keep up the good work.

1)There should be no limit on the number of roms (I have nearly 100!) although they do need to be in a sub-directory called roms located in the directory of the application. The list will only show 20 at a time but you can scroll through the list using up and down and the shoulder buttons jump 20 roms.

2)Are you running the application using a script that re-starts the menu again on exit? Both those included in the archive should return to the menu on exit.

3)Probably related to 2, can you give me any more info?
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1)There should be no limit on the number of roms (I have nearly 100!) although they do need to be in a sub-directory called roms located in the directory of the application. The list will only show 20 at a time but you can scroll through the list using up and down and the shoulder buttons jump 20 roms.

2)Are you running the application using a script that re-starts the menu again on exit? Both those included in the archive should return to the menu on exit.

3)Probably related to 2, can you give me any more info?

Okay, yes 2 and 3 are fixed by using the script :D

On the romlist issue :
I have 43 roms and only the first 30 show up (2 pages of 15), but if I add 2 dummy files then all the roms show up (3 pages of 15). Is the rom selector calculating the number of files incorrectly?
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How did you guys get it to work? Every time I select a game, it boots me out to the main GP2x main menu.

And yes, I do have the proper system ROM in place.
How did you guys get it to work? Every time I select a game, it boots me out to the main GP2x main menu.

And yes, I do have the proper system ROM in place.
Might want to double-check:
-In the bios directory you have a file named o2rom.bin
-Roms in Rom directory are in binary format as well
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Might want to double-check:
-In the bios directory you have a file named o2rom.bin

I renamed the bios -- that worked, thank you :)

I've only played Odyssey2 once in my life -- at my Uncle's house for about 10 minutes on a small B&W TV set in their basement. The only game they had was KC Munchkin.
On the romlist issue :
I have 43 roms and only the first 30 show up (2 pages of 15), but if I add 2 dummy files then all the roms show up (3 pages of 15). Is the rom selector calculating the number of files incorrectly?

I had the same problem -- I had 56 roms and only 45 showed up, so I added 4 'dummy' files to round it out to 60 and now all of the games show up.
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*************** Version 1.02 Now Available with Fixed ROM selector *******************

great little emu, but i fail to see the difference between both versions, both have a rom selecter, unless im missing something oh and whats Fixed Rom Selecter ??... :rolleyes:
oh yeh, the rom selecter has been fixed... now i see sorry not understood his wording, plus was tired from working nights....lol
still goes blank screen if i quit emu without "reset emu" 1st.
oh yeh, the rom selecter has been fixed... now i see sorry not understood his wording, plus was tired from working nights....lol
still goes blank screen if i quit emu without "reset emu" 1st.

It shouldn't.

Are you running one of the scripts that restart the menu. Saying that not sure why 'reset emu' would help if you aren't.

Can you describe exactly what you do to end up with the blank screen, including how you start the emu.


Which bit of "Version 1.02 Now Available with Fixed ROM selector" doesn't make sense? LOL
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Maybe i was using a script , if i start the emu with the blue icon " o2em_gp2x " then when i exit it goes to a black screen, the other 2 icon "o2em and 02emp " close the emu fine.. as with the Fixed ROM selector i didnt know there was anything wrong, so when i tryed V2 and it looked the same i thought id messed up versions somewhere...lol
Maybe i was using a script , if i start the emu with the blue icon " o2em_gp2x " then when i exit it goes to a black screen, the other 2 icon "o2em and 02emp " close the emu fine.. as with the Fixed ROM selector i didnt know there was anything wrong, so when i tryed V2 and it looked the same i thought id messed up versions somewhere...lol

You shouldnt run oem_gp2x.gpe directly from the standard gp2x menu as it doesn't restart the menu on exit.

It shoul d only be run from a script that restarts the menu, such as those 2 provided, or from gmenu2x.

Hope that all helps, let me know if it is still confusing!
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You might be able to simplify things here by simply removing the .gpe extension from the executable itself. You can still execute it from within scripts even without the extension, and it won't show up in the GP2X menus, so people wouldn't be able to run it by accident.
