Release Oolite


Serial Porter
Aug 15, 2012
France, near Lyon
Here is Oolite, the Object oriented opensource Elite inspired game.

This is an almost vanilla compile, only screen resolution has been adapted to the Pandora.

(hint: to quit, do P than F2 to have the Quit option, or Shift-ESC to immediate quit, to launch, it's F1).

Also, note that the nubs are swith to FPS Mode, left nub as joystick, right nub as mouse. Use the left_nub and right_nub file (inside appdata/oolite) to change that.

Starting from Build 03, there are some keymap for the Pandora

{R} + DPad Left/Right = Yaw => , / .
{R} + DPad Up/Down = Speed => w / s
{X} = Laser => a
{B} = untarget => u
{A} = id => r
{Y} = ecm => e
{L} + {B} = target => t
{L} + {R} + {B} = target missile => shift + t
{L} + {X} = missile => m
{L} + {A} = Jump => j
{L} + {Y} = Hyperspace => h
{Start} = compass target => \
Backspace => toggle precision Joystick

Starting with Build 17, the backend for gl4es is selectable. The file ".es" (inside appdata/oolite) contains 1 o 2 depending on the backend use. Use 1 for the more compatible GLES 1.1 backend. Use "2" for the new GLES2 backend. Only the ES2 backend can use shaders.
Note that the detail level "Extra Details" is very nice, but will slow down the game play in a significant way when close to a planet.
Also, you can choose the "shrink" level apply on texture by creating a file name ".shrink" in appdata/oolite. Default value is "10". See github of gl4es for detail on the shrink value (in

History log

Build 19

  • Made minimum detail the default value (still configuration in the pause option screen)
Build 18

  • Fixes to gl4es that improved lighting quality of GLES2 backend
Build 17

  • Latest sources: 1.86
  • Latest gl4es, with selectable backend (default to ES2 on Gigahertz and ES1.1 on CC & Rebirth)
  • Shaders do work with ES2 backend.
Build 16

  • Avoid writting to the NAND
Build 15

  • Updated to 1.84 version
  • Updated libs
  • Switched to tremor (from vorbis)
Build 14

  • Updated to 1.82 version
Build 13

  • Compatible with Firmware 1.62 and later
  • If on earlier firmware, no need to update
Build 12

  • updated to latest glshim
  • attempt to fix accessibilitie of special keys (namely ":confused:|+", at least : works).
Build 11

  • updated to latest glshim
  • updated to latest openal, Speech Synthesis now work!
Build 10

  • In synch with official v1.80
  • updated to latest glshim
Build 09

  • Make ANA screen more readable, by enlarging and changing color of fonts
Build 08

  • Updated sources (now on v1.80)
  • Fixed Market prices issue
  • More try to fix OXZ Manager
  • espeak support compiled in, but not working (don't use, unless you like silence)
Build 07

  • Fixed NAND writting
  • Fixed OXZ Manager
Build 06

  • Updated to latest git source (v1.79)
Build 05

  • Added "backspace" to toggle precision Joystick (left nub) roll/pitch
Build 04

  • The downsize of large textures has been improved
  • Fixed some missing graphics
  • Use 1.77.1 as codebased
  • The launch script put a copy of some plist file for easing hacking
  • Fixed screenshot function (shift *)
Build 03

  • Automatic downsize of large (i.e. > 256) textures (so even texture inside OXP)
  • Keymap for Pandora
  • Fixed texture issue with Radar
  • Automatically create the AddOns folder
Build 02

  • Downsized texture (fixing the short range map white background)
  • Made the game to save in appdata/oolite/home instead of real home
Build 01

  • Initial build
  • Screenres adapted to the Pandora
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WoW!! i bow down to you, this is for me, the biggest thing on the Pandora console since, well, since ive had it :) thankyou so much for making this happen, im sure youve made a great many Elite enthusiasts soo grateful, this thread will be heavily visited, if youve not trued Elite but like an open ended sandbox game, that has more addons (OXP's) than any other game, definately give this a try. For more info on Oolite, then visit the elite wiki

and the oolite bulletin boards for all the info the visit

Thankyou again PtitSeb!!
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Runs quite well. FWIW the current controls are:

d-pad - pitch and roll

., , - yaw

1-4 when flying- fore, aft, port and starboard views (duplicates F1-F4 which also work)

1 when docked - launch

2 when docked - game menu (load, save etc)

3 when docked - ship upgrades

4 when docked - jobs, I think (not in the original)

5 - commander status/cargo status (alternates)

6 - short range chart, galactic chart (alternates)

7 pressed twice - system status (not sure why you have to press it twice)

8 - market prices (can buy from this screen when docked)

w - speed up

s - slow down

j - superspeed toggle (unlike the original which you had to keep pressing to keep jumping)

h- hyperspace (set a target with 6/F6 first)

t - target missiles

u - disable missiles

e - electronic counter measures (against missiles) (if installed)

R - select cargo to eject

F - show FPS

N - prime equipment (according to the error message that pops up)

M - mouse control (mouse control on seems to disable to nubs)

F12 - windowed/full screen, I think (the window is bigger than the screen, so that's a guess)

Things I'm missing:

Fire missiles (F? M? - can't remember)

Fire lasers (bit of a big one that)

Button to eject stuff (perhaps need to buy the scoop first, dunno)

Escape podule eject (haven't enough to buy one yet so dunno)

I'd suggest you don't change much, since I remembered most of those keys from the original versions I've played over the years. You could perhaps duplicate some of fire, superspeed, hyperspace, missiles, ECM and speed on the buttons - not sure right now which are the six we should have on buttons and bumpers. But keep the functions on the original buttons for us oldies muscle memories.

In terms of graphics, it's mostly there already. Just a few things are too small on the Pandora screen - notable the risers or fallers on the radar display making it quite hard to work out if things are above or below you, and the space debris you fly through.

Runs pretty impressively on my Ghz. Not got involved in any serious space battles yet (I'll have to figure out lasers first), but it doesn't seem to be dropping any frames so far which is impressive for a game that claims to need a 1GHz x86 CPU.
To enable the massive amount of add-ons for this game, create a folder called "AddOns" within the root oolite folder, i.e; pandora/appdata/oolite/AddOns, then once you've selected one or more of the OXP's (add-ons) extract them so that the folder within the archive ending in .oxp is within the AddOns folder i.e; Pandora/appdata/oolite/AddOns/Combat HUD.oxp

then the OXP will automatically run upon next startup. Some OXP's require others to run correctly, such as a certain mission may use a separate OXP rather than building another larger OXP, so check the dependencies for each OXP before thinking its broken, each OXP will state if there are any dependencies for it.

there is a Quickstart guidfe for the game here: apologies for typing it in my PC is playing up

This is an amazing port and runs great on my CC Pandora, Thanks again PtitSeb :)

edit: the "A" key is the laser fire, and to fire a missile once its locked onto a target is "M" unless you unlock the missile with "U"
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Can you recommend any good OXPs?  I've only ever really played the vanilla game.

I noted on some Youtube video I watched, someone had a ship identification system built in to their ship.  Is that an OXP, or just keys I've not found yet?
Hi Levi, theres just so many OXPs that its hard to recommend any off the top of my head, but the ones which I think are vcery good, are the sounds OXP's which give a real aura to the game with radios converstaions etc, the HUD OXP's include a lot of different variants to how the screen looks. The Ambiance OXP's at:

make a real difference, have a look for the tionisla graveyard, which is mentioned in the Novella the Dark Wheel, by Robert Holdstock which came with the original, its a massive area you can visit, theres Lave.OXP which again is more ambiance, the advertising OXP's which throw up ad hoardings in space, theres just so many. if you have a look on the bulletin board which I mentioned above and look in the expansion packs section, a lot of the regulars post there top OXPs made by others, and there's lists of must have OXPs for new visitors, hope that helps a little bit anyway :wacko:  I'm just going through the control structure, both within the game control options, seeing which is the best, or preferable to easily play with. I'm going to post on the site asking for advice for a list of must have OXPs for Pandora users. Obviously the more OXPs the more strain on the system, but at the moment it seems to be working amazingly well!! All thanks to a simple remark by your good self and the amazing skill of PtitSeb, thank you both :)

edit: a good OXP to give guys a quick example of what is on offer to enhance the game is the BGS OXP in the ambiance section of the OXP site, theres also a customsounds.OXP which I made (ahem.. about 8 years or more ago lol! so don't shoot me for it being crap :) )
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whilst play testing there were a couple of things i thought to mention, although im not sure if theyre due to the porting; when looking at the geographical maps the screen goes brighht white, it doesnt effect other screens, just the map screens. also, when attempting to configure controls via the in-game menu (F2) it wont allow any input to change keys or joystick, which version number was the port taken, its fantastic to have this port on the Pandora screen :)
whilst play testing there were a couple of things i thought to mention, although im not sure if theyre due to the porting; when looking at the geographical maps the screen goes brighht white, it doesnt effect other screens, just the map screens. also, when attempting to configure controls via the in-game menu (F2) it wont allow any input to change keys or joystick, which version number was the port taken, its fantastic to have this port on the Pandora screen :)
I took 1.77 sources code.

I have also noticed the white background in 1 on the screen. I will probably take a look at that.

About the controls config, uh, strange, I have to take a look (maybe some side effect of beeing inside a PND or Fat32?).
Okay, figured out how to fire now - it's A.  Blimey, the standard laser seems puny in this compared to the BBC original.

I've also had my first combat experience now, defending a transport Boa some distance from the space station at Zaonce.  Though I only managed to dispatch them using missiles and physically ramming the last one, can't aim and shoot with the same thumb for buggery.

I've just tried setting key options myself.  My SD card is EXT4 formatted, and I don't seem to be able to make changes either - it may be significant that when it's offering to accept a setting, P still pauses the game.
Hi all, just dropping in from the Oolite forums to lend milinks a hand,

Firstly, congratulations, ptitSeb, on your successful porting of Oolite to the Pandora! B)

Can you recommend any good OXPs?  I've only ever really played the vanilla game.

I noted on some Youtube video I watched, someone had a ship identification system built in to their ship.  Is that an OXP, or just keys I've not found yet?
It's always a tricky job, recommending OXPs for newcomers.  To begin with, individual tastes vary a lot.. what is "must have" for some is "no thanks" for others.  We usually suggest that new players avoid OXPs that alter game play until they become more familiar with the basic game.  Thus, only eye-candy and ambience type OXPs are suggested to start with.  See below for some suggestions.

The in-HUD ship identification system is built into the core game, but to enable it, you need to purchase a piece of equipment known as the Scanner Targeting Enhancement.

Hi Levi, theres just so many OXPs that its hard to recommend any off the top of my head, but the ones which I think are vcery good, are the sounds OXP's which give a real aura to the game with radios converstaions etc, the HUD OXP's include a lot of different variants to how the screen looks. The Ambiance OXP's at:
Yep, over 500 OXPs at last count.

From a quick look over the specs, I think the biggest obstacle for OXPs on the Pandora is likely to be the memory limitations, both RAM and graphics.  Some of the eye-candy in particular uses a lot of video memory.  Others are fairly reasonable, though.  BGS (the Background Set) is one that comes highly recommended, as it modernises the game interface and sound effects, without altering gameplay.  Note that to use it, it's also necessary to install the Cabal Common Library (a collection of commonly used routines designed to make creating OXPs easier) and Snoopers, a sort of Galactic News Service.  Snoopers may be optional, I don't quite recall.  OXP Config is worth having also, as it allows you to tweak many of the settings in other OXPs, such as BGS & Snoopers.

Another very highly recommended OXP is Random Ship Names, which adds random but class appropriate names to all NPC ships in the game.  This adds tremendously to the immersion factor.

There are, of course, lots of others available, ships, missions, equipment and more, but many of them alter gameplay, and I'd hesitate to recommend anything without a clearer idea of what memory constraints apply on the Pandora.

I took 1.77 sources code.
Hmm.. I'd strongly recommend going with the 1.77.1 source instead.  It has many bugfixes for the 1.77 code.  The current recommended version for gameplay is 1.77.1.
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The gameplay runs flawlessly, for those unaware, whilst docked, on certain screens, such as inventory, maps etc a second keypress will reveal a further information choice screen. As with Levi, I've found that with the fire button mapped to "A" button, the game is extremely difficult to play, as you're having to let go of the left control to press the "A" button.

The game creates a number of folders in the home directory, as it does with the PC/mac, they are GNUstep and oolite-saves (where they saved game files are defaulted to). In GNUstep/Defaults directory is the oolite.plist, which gives some information regarding the joystick axis etc. I can to find a way to make the right nub replicate the left one, which would in the first instance make gameplay far mor playable as Levi mentioned. Also, not knowing how this works but could a key config file be linked to the plist to be able to map the keys, as, mentioned earlier, the keyboard config option (pause/F2) is not currently working. 
The gameplay runs flawlessly, for those unaware, whilst docked, on certain screens, such as inventory, maps etc a second keypress will reveal a further information choice screen. As with Levi, I've found that with the fire button mapped to "A" button, the game is extremely difficult to play, as you're having to let go of the left control to press the "A" button.

The game creates a number of folders in the home directory, as it does with the PC/mac, they are GNUstep and oolite-saves (where they saved game files are defaulted to). In GNUstep/Defaults directory is the oolite.plist, which gives some information regarding the joystick axis etc. I can to find a way to make the right nub replicate the left one, which would in the first instance make gameplay far mor playable as Levi mentioned. Also, not knowing how this works but could a key config file be linked to the plist to be able to map the keys, as, mentioned earlier, the keyboard config option (pause/F2) is not currently working. 
Ok, good. I will look at all that, for the key bidding.

Just 1 thing, if you want, you can already change the nub behavour: there are 2 files in appdata/oolite called left_nub & right_nub. There are text file containning the nub functions for the game. There are currently set to "absolute" and "mouse", open the files with a text editor (default mousepad is fine) and switch the content (or maybe try PNDconfig).

Also, I need to make the game not save in Nand. Got to found the right env parameter.
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On the save game front I changed my oolite-save file from my NAND to an oolite-save file on my SD card In the same folder heirachy as on PC, which is oolite/, on the save game it gives you the option to change by pressing CRTL, I know it's not perfect, but at least it then defaults to it from then on. To my shame I tried and failed with the nubs, altering them from absolute to mouse / joystick etc with no joy :( how wud I go sbout PND config? Would I be able to create a config file and use the parameters from the pndxmodmap?
Okay, figured out how to fire now - it's A.  Blimey, the standard laser seems puny in this compared to the BBC original.
you've got to remember that the original game couldnt change anything about it, whereas oolite can and does change everything, so you start off with your MKIII Cobra, and have to work up to your "iron ass". you can buy ships prerty much from the outset, the higher the tech world the greater choice of ships etc, theres some ships (especially griffs in the oxps) that have some serious cannon on them, and as you use the keys to look around your ship youll see when firing that each ship has its own unique weapons etc. Or you could go to the Hoopy Casino OXP and play some space poker or other games, thats the beauty of oolite, its all that elite was wished to be, and everything that Elite Dangerous by M r braben cant be, due to the amount of input by others, think of an idea and basically its availablein this game.
Can you recommend any good OXPs?  I've only ever really played the vanilla game.

I noted on some Youtube video I watched, someone had a ship identification system built in to their ship.  Is that an OXP, or just keys I've not found yet?
you asked for it... lol

Hi, another recent noobie here although i did play Frontier a LOT back in the day but never played Elite.
any way this is a list of what i have installed and i am loving this game, so a BIG thank you to all involved in Oolite and the relevant OXP's......

Additional Planets


Cabal Common Library

Delightful Docking

Famous Planets

Griff Shipset Replace v1.34

Griff Shipset Resources v1.2.25

Griff Station Bundle

OXP config


Random ship names

Sensible Sun


System features Rings

System features Sunspots

Your Add Here

mostly if not all "eye candy" . . . .

what i mostly need is a guide to what extras to buy for my cobra MkIII..... i wasted 2000Cr on port and Starbord beam lasers.... i thought they pointed forward and gave me extra firepower but alas they fire port and starboard..and i cant use them if i either side view mucks up the controls . i thought i had a bug when i couldnt roll around to see a station only to realise after a bit of swearing that i was in port view not forward... noob....
that is a post i made on the oolite forums.... i would recomend everyone who loves this and elite to visit the forums. there is lots of info and even some very good fan fiction. Drew has also bought the rights to do an official Elite: Dangerous book from Braben.

ship ID is built in to the game. target ship and press "t" same as for targeting for missiles... to get docking clearance target station first then for PC press "shift l" not sure if its changed for pandora.

i really cant wait for a Pyra now.....
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what i mostly need is a guide to what extras to buy for my cobra MkIII..... i wasted 2000Cr on port and Starbord beam lasers.... i thought they pointed forward and gave me extra firepower but alas they fire port and starboard..and i cant use them if i either side view mucks up the controls . i thought i had a bug when i couldnt roll around to see a station only to realise after a bit of swearing that i was in port view not forward... noob....
Heh, assuming you already had this post answered on the OOlite forums, I'll add my answer for everyone else.

Yes, you can only ever have one set of lasers for each view, in the standard game at least. Any lasers you buy will replace the ones you have currently have installed on that view, and you'll get the money back for those lasers (I can't remember if the resale price is already factored into the price you see in the shop). Never got the hang of port and starboard lasers myself - in those views pitch becomes roll and roll becomes pitch, and port is the reverse of starboard (roll right is pitch up in port view but pitch down in starboard). IMO aft lasers are useful early on, as you can fire a few pot-shots at people as you run away, but I only ever installed mining lasers in my side view, so I could mine asteroids (not that that's a very profitable enterprise).

I always try to ensure my fuel is stocked up, obviously, any my missiles. Beyond that it depends if you're playing as a pirate, bounty hunter, or trader. Traders will want a larger cargo bay first to maximise their trip profits, and should generally shy away from most battles. Bounty hunters will need some more combat firepower, but I'd look at boosting your defenses first, like getting an ECM. If you're going to be a pirate the answer is somewhere in between, as you'll want the big cargo bay, but you'll also need a scoop to scoop up that cargo you loot, and anything combat related will be useful to you. I've never bothered with a docking computer myself - I usually find that by the time I can afford one I'm already adept enough at manually docking.

Regarding the game controls, I think the flight controls are fine as is. D-pad is perfectly adequate for zooming about, or you can use the left nub if you prefer. Press M to go into mouse mode and you can use the right nub instead, though I haven't found the mouse damping key from ArcElite which would make mousing feel more like using the joystick.

I'd say the only control I need on the game buttons is fire lasers, but then I'm already familiar with the missile controls etc. so I know where those are instinctively. Might be nice to have yaw mapped to the d-pad additionally too, perhaps left and right when combined with the L-trigger (shift-left-right).
So, I fixed a few things. Now, for the Keymap, make a post with an exhaustive wish-list, and I'll try to implement it

Build 02


  • Downsized texture (fixing the short range map white background)
  • Made the game to save in appdata/oolite/home instead of real home