Openpandora Appreciation Topic


Terminally lost
Sep 7, 2008
The Netherlands
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I know there have been a lot of these type of topics already however they've been lacking recently. And I think the team can use some appreciation. So..

Thank you very much craig, fatih, mweston, DaveC and evildragon and the rest of the behind the scene software devvers. I really think that you guys are an exception in the digital world today that is all about getting things out of the door quickly no matter if it is unfinished and very buggy. I like the idea of making an exeptional handheld device that is open. I hope the pandora will make an impact even outside of the gp32x niche and will remember some of the bigger compagnies how they started out and what goals they used to have and lost along the way.

Thank you team for this exciting rollercoaster ride I am greatful to be a part of this (even if its just €350) and hang in there for the final straws.

i hate the delays and stuff, but i know what they are going through as well.
My appriciation for making such a good product, and for your free time you spend on it.

cant wait to get my pandora.
The only thing that is appreciating is the value of my £200 deposit.


Kidding. :p

In all seriousness though, only kids who hand in their homework get a grade.


Being completely, 100% serious now: Relax Ed, try not to have any more nightmares. You have my sympathies!
I'm not going too praise them until I have the final product in my hands. For all that I know it could turn out to be a shitty product and poor quality.
Well I'll happily thank them all, if only for coping with the stress of this project!

Thanks also to DJWillis for looking into the WiFi situation :)
Since i have a horrible fear of elevators, i thank you guys for making this possible ;)

-batty :)
Hip Hip Hooray! Etc.

I enjoy just being able to read about the progress of this project from way back before I even registered to the forums all the way through Evil Dragon's latest three infodumps.

Course, I could have done that without pre-ordering, but it's more exciting this way.

For all that I know it could turn out to be a shitty product and poor quality.
Could be. I seriously, doubt it, but Could be. But it's pretty low priced for what you get. As long as it turns on and runs I'll consider it value for my money. Everything else will be a bonus. Possibly an awesome bonus.

Thanks also to DJWillis for looking into the WiFi situation
Yea! And everyone else making software for this thing so that it'll do something when we get it. Very important. Especially the people who made the Angstrom distro and the GUI work on Pandora.
IMHO, appreciation threads are as useless as those "bitching" threads.

The best way to show appreciation is once we get our :pandora1: , show it off to all our friends/relatives/co-workers. Put up reviews with a lot of screenshots/videos on your websites/youtube/etc... to promote it. Visit other boards/review sites to add in your support or correct any mis-information. Basically, help promote the console and spread the words. This will help grow the community and sell more consoles. Looking at the Pandora people map, it appears that we can still do a better job at spreading the word. ;)

This is in no way saying the OP started a worthless thread, just MO on how to show "appreciation" for this project... once the product is shipped out. B)
Tibet is part of Pandora >;B!!... <:l eh.. no wait... no that was my other zealous grunt... eh... anyways.

I'd like to express my sentiments by saying that dreams don't generally come true just by throwing some money at them and then slacking away thumb up your but, however this one seems like it will.
IMHO, appreciation threads are as useless as those "bitching" threads.


This is in no way saying the OP started a worthless thread
Are you SURE about that? Really really?

Content-wise they add nothing to the sum total of knowledge, I'll grant you that - but on a much more human level, they add potentially heartwarming feedback that it's not all JUST about hating the OpenPandora team (which is a conceivable impression in this forum sometimes). A pat on the back, a pint of watery alcoholic beverage, and THEN send them back to the salt mines!

It's not only OpenPandora's morale that can be lifted by threads like these, but also fellow forum-goers. It's difficult, when you see a genuine smile on someone's face, not to smile back. Smiles are infectiousm and unusually foir infections they make the "sufferer" feel BETTER! What this kind of thread can do, IMHO, is not just raise morale at OpenPandoraHQ's around the world, but also amoung the Pandora customers. Have a smile, and pass it on kind of thing.

Thanks also to DJWillis for looking into the WiFi situation
Yea! And everyone else making software for this thing so that it'll do something when we get it. Very important. Especially the people who made the Angstrom distro and the GUI work on Pandora.
Doh - you know who I forgot? Pickle! Pickle has been doing an awesome job of making Pandora an indispenable handheld gaming device for me :) Yay Pickle, gogogo!
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Reading these forums, getting progress reports, seeing the videos has been a great experience. It has really built up the anticipation to this device past the point that I can usually handle it. Most things, I would be ok with just ignoring until they come out, but not this one. A big reason for that has been all of the devs posting progress on various aspects, and also the community. I'm looking forward to getting my hands on this thing, because I really think/hope that this will be the last non-phone portable that I buy for the next few years.

In short, keep up the good work, and I can't wait to play with the results! :D
"mothers handbag"

I don't think this thread is useless. I am [expletive]ing tired of all the hate posts, and this is a welcome change in direction.
+1 to all devs

typically, most of the haters will fade into the woodwork when the Pandora arrives, mostly to re-register under another "nick" after ordering from batch 2 and posting as "long time followers and enthusiasts"

soon my pretty............soon!

@bazt: how`s the weather in trollsville?, if you don`t like people showing respect to others then kindly sod off, you won`t be missed, honest.