Over clocking GPU?

Well that is a concern too but when it comes to even the iPhone 4 apps and games do not get all of that ram in the system, in fact I'm pretty sure they don't get more than 64MBs unless it's an app that only runs on the iPad or iPhone 4 for example. Do you think the freedom of using all of the Pandora's ram helps? Speaking of which I was wondering if Virtual Memory helps games and apps work better or is it painfully slow?

I doubt any iPhone 3GS or better is limited to 64MB. The OS probably does use too much memory (although if you really want to see a flagrant example check out the OS on Blackberry Playbook, which uses over 512MB at startup!) but I doubt it uses that much. Surely you can get over half of it.. by the way, iPhone 3GS had as much memory as the first iPad, 256MB.

Virtual memory is definitely too slow to use for a program to have a working set of > 256MB, but it could be used to prevent programs from running at all. You just have to be careful when enabling it.. Most people probably won't be doing a bunch of extra stuff simultaneously, but if for some reason you leave a web browser with a bunch of tabs running it won't kill your memory supply.
I do not doubt it :) infact if someone wants their apps and games to run on all iphones and most droids than they need to keep in mind that the first iPhone and Droid has only 128MB of RAM ;) Sure they could just throw bigger textures in their game to run on more advanced hardware but than you need to use up more time designing more textures :p and not all game companies do this. If all apps could use most of the ram in each device than a lot of the games would not look like poop.
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I do not doubt it :) infact if someone wants their apps and games to run on all iphones and most droids than they need to keep in mind that the first iPhone and Droid has only 128MB of RAM ;) Sure they could just throw bigger textures in their game to run on more advanced hardware but than you need to use up more time designing more textures :p and not all game companies do this. If all apps could use most of the ram in each device than a lot of the games would not look like poop.

I'm sure a lot of developers couldn't care less about the first iPhone or first Android phones. In particular the ones who demand this large amount of RAM. There's so much else you can't do on those phones, the RAM limit really pales in comparison. For one thing, the inability to use OpenGL ES 2 at all completely changes how you go about making your game.

At this point the market potential there is dried up. You better believe that the bigger players like Epic don't care about those phones.