Pandora Review in Linux Format.

Hey that's the second time the Pandora has been in LXF, is someone there on first name terms with OPT?, also I ordered my Pandora just before the first write up came out, so I must be due mine by now.

Not a bad score 7/10, they even say Angstrom "is a distro you'll soon come to appreciate"
Hey that's the second time the Pandora has been in LXF, is someone there on first name terms with OPT?, also I ordered my Pandora just before the first write up came out, so I must be due mine by now.
I think it's the third time. The first, though, was as part of an article hyping up something that, as far as I know, turned out to be vapourware, whilst referring to the Pandora, in a box-out on the matter, as a Linux device that "failed to set the world on fire". Before it had even shipped.
Was going to buy the new issue today but most shops including WHSmiths didn't have any copies of LF at all. The only copies I could actually find were of issue 156 with the Raspberry Pi on the front. If Smiths don't have any copies at all it usually means that they will be getting the new ones in within a week or so :)
Thanks Mati, that was an interesting read, and a good positive review to boot. Not sure how generous Linux Format are with their overall scores but 7/10 seems reasonable, I'd give the Pandora a solid 9/10 myself. Guess that's the 'fanboi' in me ;)
Cheers Mati :) A nice little review. Interesting that he calls Minimenu "Pmenu", there's a blast from the past.
I'm curious about in how

9/10 - Features

9/10 - Performance

8/10 - Ease of use

7/10 - Value for money

comes together to make

Rating 7/10

0.9 + 0.9 + 0.8 + 0.7/4 = 0.825

So shouldn't it rate 8/10 ?
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wish it wouldve mentioned the battery life, mweston, fatih's name in correct spelling, but all in all, a very good review, even with its misinformation which i wish the person itself wouldve come forward and submitted a rough draft to this forum first before putting it into print. great work
Managed to buy the mag yesterday and I'm confused about the overall score myself.

Seems pretty weird that it gets only an overall 7 after two 9's, an 8 and a 7. Surly it should average out at 8????

Shame that M.Weston didn't get a shout out too after all the work he's done :(

At least the article is a good way of proving that the device actually exists. Most of the people I know have started to believe that I made the whole thing up :D
Seems pretty weird that it gets only an overall 7 after two 9's, an 8 and a 7. Surly it should average out at 8????
It does :)

Median is 8.5

Mean is 8.25

Mode is 9

They just got their averaging messed up :blink: