Porting a linux OS for pentesting

Most, if not all, of the tools available for Backtrack will be available for the Pandora:

http://www.oesf.org/forum/index.php?sho ... 25970&st=0

The only real difference would be the inclusion of injection-patched drivers (which aren't available for the Pandora's wireless, and probably never will be). For other chipsets, they're easy enough to build with OE/Bitbake, and, IIRC, are already patched in some cases (HostAP is, I believe).

In other words, porting the whole thing is totally unnecessary.
Is there any possibility that a driver patch could be written? I'm assuming that the drivers for the pandora are open source - if so, would it be so difficult to rip a patch from another driver and write it into the pandora driver?

Otherwise, is there a handheld device whose driver supports packet injection in monitor mode that I could build my distro for? I'm looking for a platform to build a pentesting distro for without the need to add external hardware for functionality.
Most integrated wireless chipsets don't support packet injection and stuff very well, AFAIK. I know that some Intel chipsets (ipw2200, for one) do support it, but have special steps that need to be taken to get them to work.

The Pandora's driver won't be patched unless craigx does it, as he's the only one who can look at/modify the source, due to some agreement with the wireless manufacturer. It is not open-source.
lol...i was about to ask this question...its a good one.backtrack would be sweet on pandora.i wonder if the backtrack team would port one?probly not.it might be able to run on pandora without problems :huh: .but idk.
rather than starting with the x86 only backtrack, one would probably be better off with the list of packages included in backtrack and openembedded, and build a new system from scratch with the same apps.

Alternatively one could just port those apps to pandora (with pxml etx.) and just keep a network troubleshooting (that's what backtrack is for, right? :D ) SD instead of a whole system.