Power problems with pandora we should avoid

Yes, the CPU is the charging controller as is every single other device until recently that used lipo batteries. If your phone is more than a couple years old it definitely turns on when you plug it in to charge, even if you think it is off. Until recently there did not exist a dedicated charge chip that could charge a lipo battery under dynamic load.
Has this really changed in new devices? When my Nexus 4 is drained and I plug it in to charge it shows a little charging animation on the screen. There is zero doubt in my mind that a program running on the CPU is causing this to happen. I don't think I'd want autonomous charging without some kind of indicator, I want to know that it's actually charging. An autonomously charging PMIC can be smart enough to do something with an LED, but that means you have to go through the PMIC now to toggle that LED for other software purposes. Not a huge deal I guess.

As far as gta04's selection of a charge chip goes, I doubt he really has a choice.

I thought the Y2K38 problem had been solved in most distros already?
Default for 32-bit time syscall is still a 32-bit result, although I think you can change it in the kernel configuration. Your libc also has to be onboard with a 64-bit time_t then. Y2K38 is still a problem with Android devices, no idea about Pandora.
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Has this really changed in new devices?
I don't know if it HAS changed, I just know that it can. I didn't keep any links handy but I know TI has at least one chip that can handle fully autonomous charging, even with a dynamic load. I'm also not aware of any phone that doesn't have some indicator, I was just covering my bases in case someone responded "well phone ABC doesn't do that".