Prboom And Custom Wad`s


Active Member
Dec 15, 2005
London uk
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Can someone explain how to get the custom wads working on Prboom caanoo, like goldeneye64 and starwars total conversion´s please,
In detail if possible.... I´m sure its something to do with the profile.txt but I´ve not really used it before,
Using Prboom on the dingoo is deferent as you know :D

cheers ;)

P.S I should know this shit by now lol
You may use the pickle launcher, very user friendly. And if you are looking for working wads the best option is downloading the ones prepared to work with the Nintendo DS version of PrDoom. There is a pack with many wads for DS and most of them work flawlessly.
Well pickle launcher comes with it, do I need to do anything special I am using compatible wads from doomgoo...
When trying to launch them I get thrown back to pickle launcher....

Any Idea´s

ruffnutts <_<
Ok I think it might be a WAD problem as I downloaded the wiz Prboom pack and the wads in the pack worked, so am I right in saying that the .deh files are not needed as some wads have these with them...
Doing me nut in now - should have brought me dingoo to sweden with me lol - these wads should work like they do on Prboon on the dingoo
Don´t get it......gggrrrr
Thanks to BAFelton for he´s help, nice one matey :D

We should have a list of WAD´S that work I think
As the starwars one I had never worked...or twilight.. hmmmmm

BTW I cant change weapon now lol