PSX Controls Question


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2012
Lizard Lick, North Carolina
I have never been able to figure out how to kill the app....or to get back to the screen where I CAN...either quit the emu or load a new cart.

so far I have resported to using the Pandora button....but that still leaves the thing playing, etc...and the only way to get rid of THAT is to reboot.

There HAS to be a better way, but darned if I can figure it.

Ive tried Start Select, start+ select...Function Q, all the F1-F9....nothing .... no combo of keys...I have yet treid....gets me BACK...out of a game....and into the menu where I can actually quit the emu.

Can someone help?

I am talking about PSXreARMed....
Space doesn't bring you to menu?

The only thing I can think of is broken config, try deleting <SD>/pandora/appdata/pcsx_rearmed
hummm....I can TRY that.

Never mind...the SPACE button worked.

I was sitting there tryng all the F keys, Function-Q, r+L shoulder buttons, you name it...who would have thought it was a simple command to shut it down.
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i remember something about documentations...

Me too...

@Kumaki: if you dislike use emulators Readme you should try Yoshi's emulators fact sheets. They are extremely useful for newbies and will solve most of your problems.
There is a PDF on the forum somewhere that lists all controls for the major emulators, find this as it's a great help.
There is a PDF on the forum somewhere that lists all controls for the major emulators, find this as it's a great help.

I'd love a link to that!!!

It would be very helpful.

DaMummy...sorry about the documentation thing...when I first was posting that...I was stuck in the emu...and could not get out at all, then I got out using the Pandora button...but discovered the app was running, and I could even run more than one instance of it simulaneously. that got me a bit freaked, and I honestly did not even THINK of "documentation" at that point, I went into "freak mode" - you know...where something breaks and you freak out, and just like, short circuit...

well, anyway, it does happen to me...when I start getting a bit freaked I start short-circuiting, and then can't really think right.

Gotta try not to slip into that mode....
Sorry to hear it caused inconveniences, I guess I could show guihints or something on first run to help new users. I would think this is not hugely important as this is only needed the first time, but sometimes it's the first impression that's the most remembered..
Don't be sorry, done awesome work!! I couldn't code my way out of a paper bag, so I certainly am not anyone to criticize the work of someone who can!

The problem many different emu's all have different controls...different ways to would be nice if some collaboratove effort would make certain controls universal across all emu's...but, of course, since they have different authors, that would require each author to collaborate on this.

That or a common button that would, whenever pressed...bring up a menu of that emu's controls. but again, this would require collaboration and agreement.

Anyway, no biggie, got it solved, and this is a really nice emu, playing some really nice stuff for me. Very nice work, notaz!
Sorry to hear it caused inconveniences, I guess I could show guihints or something on first run to help new users. I would think this is not hugely important as this is only needed the first time, but sometimes it's the first impression that's the most remembered..
Controls inconsistency is one type of problem, but if that's extended to being stuck, then it becomes a whole different kind of problem.
A controls problem becomes more significant the more stress it causes a user to just try out controls one after the other. Being stuck in a software, with literally dozens of buttons and keys to try out, causes user-panic -- which may block the user from coming up with a sensible approach, such as to not only try pressing the same usual suspects over and over again.

The guihints website is approaching release. Feel free to join this relevant discussion: PNDs: Emergency exit key(combination)?

edit-2014-03-19: Removed distracting and irrelevant inline note on helping users users become masters of a software.
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Beautiful! User-panic is EXACTLY what happens to me. and which causes me to post questions without sometimes reading the documentation, etc. Because I get panicked and short-circuited...glad someone here understands what it is.

I truly apologize to DaMummy and others whose patience I've probably tried...but that is a perfect beuatiful description of what happens to me: user-panic.