Release Pushover


Certified Guru
Jan 8, 2009
Hi to all
This is my first PND for Pandora.
Thank to Sebt3 i have repackaged the Pushover game available at Angstrom repository see at

About the game :

Pushover is a fun puzzle game originally published by Ocean in 1992.
In this game you control an ant that can walk along platforms that are connected with ladders.
On those platforms are dominos that need to fall according to some rules.

This is the version 0.0.1 , at author page is available a version 0.0.2 , but this is not on Angstrom repo, maybe i could try to recompile this new version.

To download look at,0,0,0,25,231


this is not a Pandora image screen because i don't have a Pandora yet :p
Whats the control scheme / how do I play the game? The only thing I figured out was how to walk... ;) thx
Nupfi said:
Whats the control scheme / how do I play the game? The only thing I figured out was how to walk... ;) thx
[Enter] to take a slide and push depending on where you are
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Yeah, I did start at one point to make a GP2X conversion of this. It hit a wall but I can't remember why.
ledow said:
Yeah, I did start at one point to make a GP2X conversion of this. It hit a wall but I can't remember why.

Perhaps you didn't hit [ENTER], or as it transpires... [SPACE] :D

Great game Farox, many thanks :)
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Yes it's sad... :( ...but true. Someone wanna rent to me its Pandora ? :p

Anyway i think that many of this thanks must gonna be to you...for helping me ( a poor newbe ) and many others ,
and for the great and precious work on porting apps&games on this machine.

Thanks a lot Sebt3.
I remember this game. I also remember there was an Successor called "One Step Beyond", is there a chance to port this to Pandora too? :)
This is pretty awkward to play, actually, since the resolution is 600x800, meaning that at least 120 pixels at the bottom are not on the screen. I don't suppose there's any way to fix things, is there?...

I also really wish that people would assign action buttons to A/B/X/Y instead of the Enter or Space keys... that's just lazy, seriously...
Esn, you know that Farox still dont have his pandora, right ?
So as he still cant play this game, he cant know these little issues. That cant be lazyness...
Sorry Esn, but as noted by Sebt3, i don't have my Pandora yet, so can't test.
Anyway you could try the zx81 enhanced version here .
Go go Craig build as many Pandora as you can...i can't wait B)
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