I tried out the tweak to create a desktop icon for minimenu and it does as it says, however when you attempt to revert back to XFCE via 'Switch GUI' & it always reboots to minimenu.
If you leave the 'switch GUI' dialog open, then XFCE can be used via the other 'workspace', presumably with reduced resources available? Choosing XFCE or minimenu again from the dialog prompt, produces the following message :
"Logout Error" Dialog box: "FAILED TO RECIEVE A REPLY FROM THE SESSION MANAGER: The name org.xfce.SessionManager was not provided by any .service files" Clicking close then re-launches minimenu again.
Is this the desired behaviour of this tweak, or have I screwed up somewhere?
Thought I'd mention it but it's trivial anyway.
If you leave the 'switch GUI' dialog open, then XFCE can be used via the other 'workspace', presumably with reduced resources available? Choosing XFCE or minimenu again from the dialog prompt, produces the following message :
"Logout Error" Dialog box: "FAILED TO RECIEVE A REPLY FROM THE SESSION MANAGER: The name org.xfce.SessionManager was not provided by any .service files" Clicking close then re-launches minimenu again.
Is this the desired behaviour of this tweak, or have I screwed up somewhere?
Thought I'd mention it but it's trivial anyway.