Reminder: Second Gp32Spain/wiz Contest

Back on topic... It's been awfully quiet here in this thread with regard to devs. doing something for the comp.

Has anyone already entered a game or emulator for this comp. yet, or are just about to (seeing as it ends in a couple of days)?

I'll be sending in a game - just putting the finishing touches to it now.
Franxis entered a secret emulator project and Kojote and his team sent Sqrxz. (Which is a hard rival to your entry ;) )
Good luck, may the best game win...
And we'll see this Great game (finally completed B) ):


yeah i've seen firewhip screens on gp32spain - this compo looks very promising!
notaz said:

Hehe, sleep is overrated. It seems the competition got another strong competitor... ;)
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The list of competitors is online:


* Ginge (notaz) [GP2x emulator]
* PCSX4ALL (Franxis & Chui) [Playstation emulator]
* PocketSnes v7.0.0 (Bitrider) [SNES emulator]
* WS4ALL (Puck2099) [Wonderswan emulator]


* Aggressive Pong (EugeneP)
* Before We Were Dead (Daniel Eriksson & Marcus Fredriksson)
* Coapres (endaramiz)
* Coral Sea (Isidor)
* Cubex ((SOD) THOR)
* Firewhip (Coelophysis)
* Fy.WoD! (Schnatterplatsch)
* Guru Logic Champs (Ian Price)
* Ken's Labyrinth (Pickle)
* Operation Phoenix (Colombian Developers)
* OTO Engine (Nuria)
* Polarity (TJ Hooker)
* RotaCuadre (melow)
* Screen Break Time (Futublog, Fede, PrinceMegahit & Drumpi)
* Sqrxz (Thor, Kojote & Others)
* TankRobot (Neurox)
* Wiz Shooter (JQJDE)
* Zombie Sorbet (Linda Randazzo & André T. Johansen)


Due to server problems the deadline is changed to today 12 PM. Drop Anarchy an E-mail if you're not on the list. (See first link).
wow, looking forward to trying pcsx4all - not that i'm impatient or anything :P but any idea when it will be released?

an update to pocketsnes will be brilliant too, and quite a few of the games look really promising.

cheers, simon
They will be released exactly 16th August i belive it was? Anyone releasing sooner will be disqualified. But can you release a video of your game, anyone know? I have noticed a lot of info seems to be available about firewhip already.

I wonder if the excellent emulator turnout for this competition was at all motivated by the level of cash prizes. If that's at all true then imagine what substantially larger cash prizes from a GPH contest could do..
Did anyone use the bugfix option? I mean, anyone else? We submitted 2 bugfixes for Zombie Sorbet. Mostly fixing the touchscreen and some other small details like difficulty level.
u9i said:
Did anyone use the bugfix option? I mean, anyone else? We submitted 2 bugfixes for Zombie Sorbet. Mostly fixing the touchscreen and some other small details like difficulty level.

Hey u9i!

Now finally I know your project for the competition. I can't find your name after you wrote you sent your entry. The game looks really interesting. It will be under the first games I must try out.
AFAIK Puck2099, Schnatterplatsch and Franxis/Chui sent bugfixes.
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The results are online:
Hi sbock,

No, i was not credited on the spanish website. We made Anarchy aware of it, but he hasn't changed the page, at least not yet. I am on the credits list inside the game though ;) I kinda liked the idea that we could submit bugfixes, but it could make it difficult to decide what is a bugfix and what is a new feature. E.g. we fixed the touchscreen in the first bugfix, but since it was not working at all, it could be considered a new feature.

We got 5th prize. Woohoo! I was hoping for 4th. Was planning on giving the Wiz to our artist and hopefully get him hooked on this scene! That will be next competition ;)
