[Request] TIC 80

Nice, this doesn't appear to be another hardware project especially given it's processor supposedly runs '64KB of Lua or Moonscript or JavaScript'. The source in the github (assuming that's it) seems to build with no exotic dependencies on linux (debian at least).

If you want this on Pandora you're in the wrong forum though. This is the pyra forum.
Those linux builds are for x86/64 though, so won't run on Pandora nor Pyra. For raspberry pi, which is our closest out of that list it says 'build from source'. The instructions in there are very similar to those on the code page which suggests it is that code you need to build, and the hairiest dependency is probably the lua lib which needs a backported version on old debians, and I'd imagine is probably quite big.

The link to that medium report is anyone else has trouble following it:
Yep, the Linux builds doesn't works on my LXLE install, and it fails to compile them (SDL Audio).

Well, that would be cool to have that on the Pandora, because the characters are big and clear, I think the pandora is the perfect host for this TIC.
I'm pretty sure I'm still running a bastardised mix of GTK3 (main) and GTK2 apps here, along with some QT libs as well. They all seem to coexist, and I'd be surprised if gtk3 doesn't build for devices like the Pandora yet, although it is a relatively big set of libs (although on my x86 host, it seems that of GTK2.24.31, QT5.9.3, GTK3.22.26 is the smallest set of libraries).
This is what is executed by gcc :

gcc `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-3.0` `sdl2-config --cflags` src/studio.c src/console.c src/run.c src/ext/file_dialog.c src/ext/md5.c src/ext/gif.c src/ext/net/SDLnet.c src/ext/net/SDLnetTCP.c src/ext/net/SDLnetselect.c src/fs.c src/tools.c src/start.c src/sprite.c src/map.c src/sfx.c src/music.c src/history.c src/world.c src/config.c src/keymap.c src/code.c src/dialog.c src/menu.c src/net.c src/surf.c src/ext/lpeg/*.c src/ext/gif/*.c src/html.c src/tic80.c src/tic.c src/ext/blip_buf.c src/jsapi.c src/luaapi.c src/ext/duktape/duktape.c -O3 -Wall -std=c99 -Iinclude/lua -Iinclude/zlib -Iinclude/gif -Iinclude/sdl2 -Iinclude/tic80 `pkg-config --libs gtk+-3.0` `sdl2-config --static-libs` -D_GNU_SOURCE -llua5.3 -ldl -lm -lpthread -lrt -lz -o bin/tic80
I've got a beta version of TIC-80 working. Funny thing about the gtk3 is that the only file with gtk code is actually compatible with gtk2, so you can replace the gtk3 with gtk2 compile flags.
You can find the beta on the repo. As for source code, I've made a makepnd source archive using https://github.com/urjaman/dchrt-ng and https://github.com/eyecreate/makepnd.
Some oddities I still see are that clicking on the screen crashes it and the screen isn't properly centered.


  • tic-80-0.60.3-1.src.tar.gz
    1.5 KB · Views: 242
You really rock ! It works very well.
I wanted to pay you a beer but not donate in your profile.
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@atari_afternoon : I tried that one myself on my rebirth pandora and it was a little sluggish compared to the web player version(and the other demos). At least you can play it, though.

@gibs : glad it's working well. It's never been a priority to have anything on my profile page, but now you've brought it up, I've added some details.

@Cloudef : Glad I found a tool such as makepnd/dchrt-ng(I also enjoyed making AUR packages back when I used Arch). In the earlier part of this decade, most my pandora pnds were quite a struggle to create and maintain(especially when trying to allow others to reproduce my builds) and so I decided this time to make sure my tools I used supported cleaner workflows. I can submit my change as a PR, though I can't say I tested it more than making sure it wrote the xml entry down when present and didn't when not. Didn't know there was an attempt archive sources in a repo like szdev-recipes. Sounds cool if different libs could be broken out into parts so that others could pull them in later for dependencies. Sounds like some of those details are not yet determined, though. Either way, I'll put those changes up.
Yes, it works sufficient on CC-Pandora, just a tad slower than in the browser window. FPS80, for example, is playable at ca. half speed.

For those unsure how to start : ;)

1. Get "carts" (games) from https://tic.computer/play : Click on screenshot, then "download".
2. Carts needs to go into the TIC-80 appdata folder, right into the innermost subfolder
3. Start pnd, then type "surf", hit Return => leads you to a cart filebrowser
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Also, if your pandora is connected by wifi, I believe the cart surfer in the program will show all the entries on the site and dynamically download them.
If you don't have wifi, there are a few demos shipped with it, you just need to import them.
Nice :) will try WiFi download and report

EDIT Right! Go into
[tic.computer/play/games] and press the A button

works like magic :)
Playing Mario.Bros now

MainFighter (like Atari Lynx "Blue Lightning") plays great
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Is it possible to stretch the screen ? mine doesn't take all the Pandora screen. thanks.