Sexy Battle Wip Released


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Staff member
Kiwiz released a preview of his work in progress adult game Sexy Battle. As this game is not suitable for the younger ones under us, there is no illustration picture :)

This is a two player only game where the left player has to push the left trigger as often as possible and the right player the right trigger. This is a perfect game to hurt your fingers and damage your GP2x. Good luck!

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basically a two player game only where the left player has to press the left trigger and the right player the right one. this is also how the score is generated then.

perfect game to break your fingers and your gp2x.
PlopperZ said:
So...Where does the sexy part come in?


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Like the pictures, I wonder what the final would be like? Quite basic at the moment. Love the music though, catchy! :D
I hope the final game will be a bit more than this wip. Just looking at a static pic while pressing buttons to increase counters is not very entertaining :D

Btw. if you want an entertaining sexy battle with a computer game, you'd better look here (not suited for underaged or at work!) :rolleyes:
Squirrel61 said:
Btw. if you want an entertaining sexy battle with a computer game, you'd better look here (not suited for underaged or at work!) :rolleyes:
Fantastic! Gotta arrange a party like that soon! Not sure the missus will like the idea though. :unsure:
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hah topless wii was pretty funny.

this sexy battle game is pretty poor though. I usually like to look for any good points in homebrew I can but this is quite basic and has no real gameplay. you hold a button... exciting.

I'd much rather see the game second exodous has envisioned where you battle sexually
The girls are two well known Spanish women: Elsa Pataky (infamous actress and famous sex-symbol, girlfriend of Adrien Brody) on the left and Pilar Rubio (journalist and presenter of TV shows) on the right.