Sony sued me for...

Sony sued me because I called their PS move controllers dildos with butt plug..
Sony sued me for not understanding what the deal with this meme was. Then sued me again once I got it.
I'm the only one here who really has been sued by them, aren't I?

Unless you count that George Hotz impersonator, yes.

Wait, you were really sued by them? Damn.


Sony sued me for sending them a Wii in the mail.
I'm the only one here who really has been sued by them, aren't I?

I think your in-joke sailed over a lot of peoples heads.

I sued Sony for changing my PS3s features and removing OtherOS. Actually, it's a little more (or probably less) complicated than that and didn't really involve Sony at all, but ultimately I ended up a £75 voucher better off.
Sony sued me for hooking up my PS2 to a LG TV.

Was then countersued by LG for hooking up my LG TV to a PS2...
Remember, we're trying to keep our actions related to Sony in some form.

Sony sued me for filling the CEO's car with stale marshmallows.
Sony Sued me for questioning their odd policies like not owning the games we buy just the materials.