Stand Alone Commodore 64 (C64) Game


Sep 4, 2008
B.C Canada
I know that this might seem odd and pointless but I would love to see the game, Below the Roots, made into a stand alone game. By that I mean not requiring going into the emulator and selecting the games, changing the disks and such. It is such a great game that I feel that deserves to be packaged in such a way that I could be run as a stand alone title.

Does anyone else remember this game.. I played it for a very long time as a kid and found it a very rich and colorful adventure game.
I'm certain you could do exactlythat using a very simple bash script. This is exactly the sort of thing I would do if I had my damn device (grrr)

I must check out the game, I used to have an Amiga but never came across that title.
Eisner said:
I know that this might seem odd and pointless but I would love to see the game, Below the Roots, made into a stand alone game. By that I mean not requiring going into the emulator and selecting the games, changing the disks and such. It is such a great game that I feel that deserves to be packaged in such a way that I could be run as a stand alone title.

Does anyone else remember this game.. I played it for a very long time as a kid and found it a very rich and colorful adventure game.

I don't remember it being released on the amiga, but I had it on my C64. What a fantastic game. I used to go in school bog eyed due to this game. Would be nice if someone did a remake.
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You are right.. It was C64.. My bad...

It is a great game.... I just find it difficult to deal with the switching between disk 1 and disk 2 when using the emulator. Often, I find the game hanging or not loading correctly..
It must just be me but having a one click access to this game would be great.
If you package it up into an emu, its still going to have to load disks etc, unless the game gets totally reworked (very unlikely). So not sure what you mean...

Unless you mean to have the emu hacked up a bit, so its just more convenient for just this one game; in which case, sure, if someone really likes it, they coudl maybe do that, but doing that sort of thing for multiple games is a lot of work :)

(I made custom modes in my ST emus, so that certain key combos worked especialyl well for certain games, so I've been there..)

skeezix said:
If you package it up into an emu, its still going to have to load disks etc, unless the game gets totally reworked (very unlikely). So not sure what you mean...

I totally understand and do feel a bit silly/lazy for requesting such a thing but I DO find that emulators that require multiple file mounting/disk swapping quite awkward. I just wish these games could be done so that you only select 1 file and not multiple files. Would make my life much less stressful ! lol
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Eisner said:
skeezix said:
If you package it up into an emu, its still going to have to load disks etc, unless the game gets totally reworked (very unlikely). So not sure what you mean...

I totally understand and do feel a bit silly/lazy for requesting such a thing but I DO find that emulators that require multiple file mounting/disk swapping quite awkward. I just wish these games could be done so that you only select 1 file and not multiple files. Would make my life much less stressful ! lol

I downloaded this after you posted this topic. Can't believe it's like 25 years since I played it.
The disk swapping is a bit of a pain. There's about 3 swaps before you can even start the game. I haven't had the game hang on a disk swap though. I have 'warp mode' off and 'true drive emulation' off. I tried attaching disk 2 to 'unit9' to see if it picked it up, but it didn't. What I have done is, created a snapshot at the beginning of the game in your house to avoid all the disk swapping. You have to make sure disk 2 is attached to 'unit8' though before you leave the house or the game will crash. Makes things easier.

Have you played Alice in Wonderland? It was written by the same programmer and it's just like Below the Root, with the same menu system.

I've discovered why there hasn't been a remake. Unfortunately the original programmer Dale Disharoon (DeSharone) died of leukemia 3 years ago before anyone had contacted him. And it looks like someone has optioned movie rights to the game so it doesn't look like we will have a remake any time soon.
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