Release Super Geometry Dust

ChaosWarmech: Thanks, I'll fix that :)

I still get the problem that half-way through the game, some dialog box pops up in the background and it corrupts the display - it looks like the network password dialog, for some reason. My question is, why is this happening? I don't see WiFi features in this game - so why is it bringing up my network connection dialog? Very weird.

I really have *no* idea why it could be doing this. I don't do a thing with networking, but that's exactly what's happening: it gets disconnected from your wifi and asks you to re-enter your passphrase. :( Are there any other apps that do this?? What's strange is after disabling the runfast_mode, mine *never* does this anymore (not once since I pushed out the last update), so I really thought that was it. It did it all the time with the previous versions, though. :\

I've been working on a couple new enemies and doing some little bug-fixes. I'll look into the wifi bug again, but I'll probably push out a small update Sunday regardless. :)
One billion, gajillion, fafillion..., points.

Shame on you, wermy, to implement points as unsigned.

Intressted how you got < 0 points, BP. Killed yourself before the game started?
I wonder if the nub events are still being caught by the window manager and turned into mouse movements .. ?
I wonder if the nub events are still being caught by the window manager and turned into mouse movements .. ?
I thought that but no-one has reported file manager/menu/anything else happening just the wifi box

Yeah. And it does it sometimes when the game is just sitting there and you're not giving any input. :\ I guess a way to tell for sure would be to play with d-pad and face buttons only for a bit and see if it still does it :)
Feature request: Add sensitivity setting to nubs

Reason: After playing this game extensively and topping out at 500k, I found there were times i literally could not outrun the dark red fish / yellow enemies. After switching to the d-pad I found no problem outrunning them (also new high score 784744:). After looking in to this and testing my nubs in the button testing program, my left nub will not reach the full range in the upper-right hand direction. I am sure many others are finding themselves in the same situation based on the feedback in the nub thread.

While I do like the ability to move slowly and have a gradual speed ramp up, I would trade that in an instant for being able to outrun enemies like on the d-pad.
It's Geometry Wars AND Super Stardust HD - and has less Sony, too!

I found something which I think could be a bug. For me, the first time I start a game the first wave of enemies appears noticeably earlier than on subsequent games until I quit and reopen Super Geometry Dust. I typically "Return to menu" (via pause) to start a new game if I lose my first life too early, maybe that's relevant.

Furthermore, I have some ideas:


When the player presses "Start" to un-pause the game, you could also show "Move!" instead of using a counter, and un-pause the game as soon as the player tries to move the ship. It seems to me that this would be more efficient and flexible.

Name input:

If Super Geometry Dust remembered what name had been entered the last time a highscore had been reached, it could put this name into the input field the next time a highscore was reached. This way, everything the player would have to do the next time she reached a highscore would be to press X repeatedly to start a new game as quickly as possible (unless she is not the person that had reached the previous highscore, in which case she would have to push backspace, which would delete the whole name at once).


Just as the games it's based on, Super Geometry Dust can be quite addictive the way it is right now. However, it would be nice if it was full of interesting things. I have some ideas here.

For instance, with more songs, the first time a player reaches a certain score (100000?) a second song can be unlocked and a sound menu appear in the main menu where the player can listen to the songs and select which of them should never be played ingame. Every time the player reaches the set score a new song is unlocked, and that very song will be played the next time the player plays. We could make a competition for this where every song that gets at least a certain number of votes will be included in the game, but that's just an idea that I didn't think through at all.

Also, unlockable modes with simple parameter changes can be a good thing, but from my non-representative experience are often not really being experienced as something interesting unless they are really great. Enemy variations for instance are not typically exciting unlockables for most people.

One example for a refreshing unlockable item could be "sanity check world", where in one spot of the sphere there's a text that shows an arithmetical problem, a newline, and then "Collide with this enemy.". Since there are enemies which are chasing the player, she has to try to remember the problem and solve it in the head while evading and shooting enemies. Every enemy color has a number associated with it that changes with each new arithmetical problem. When you shoot an enemy, it dies and a text that has the same color as the enemy and displays the number which is currently associated with the color spawns at the position where the enemy has died and fades out immediately.

The numbers that enemies spawn should always be one (or maybe two digits with higher diffculty) so the player won't get visually confused.

Example: The text that is displayed on some random place of the sphere says "4-2=\nCollide with this enemy." For this arithmetical problem, it is randomly determined that yellow enemies use the number 3, red enemies use the number 4, green enemies use the number 2 etc. Whenever the player shoots a red enemy, it dies and spawns a red "4" that fades out quickly. After a while, the player finds out that green enemies are "2", which is the correct answer to the problem, and if the player's intelligence and skill are sufficient, she will collide with a green enemy, which causes all existing green enemies to die, upgrades the laser and replaces the arithmetical problem with a new (probably more complicated) one.

You can regularly display two arithmetical problems, with the one saying "PROBLEM=\nCollide with this enemy." and the other one saying "PROBLEM=\nExtra Bomb." (make sure that doesn't happen in the first round so that players will understand what "PROBLEM=\nExtra Bomb." means) If the player chooses to solve the extra bomb problem, she gets another bomb and can then continue with solving the upgrade problem. However, if she solves the upgrade problem first, she gets the upgrade earlier but the extra bomb problem disappears.

If the player goes game over, the game displays: "Result: INSANE" instead of "Game Over!". The sanity check world highscore of course adds " (INSANE)" to each name a player enters, but not for the ones that already are in the initial "insanity check world highscores" list as you provide it. After all, if the player is insane, then that's clearly not the game's fault, right? :)

Enemy visibility:

I can not really say for sure if these suggestions would work, but from my experience they are probably worth giving a try,

If you made the sphere a very, very, very dark grey (with the small stripes in the middle changing from black to a dark green, then a dark red as you get closer to getting the quad laser) and the background a dark blue, and if you reduced the brightness of the enemies on the other side of the sphere, the enemies that are important to the player would be much better visible. To better separate the sphere from the background, you could use a small corona. You can also put a giant, wireframe this (the images that show "Bronze knobbed mace")) around the sphere so that the camera is inbetween the sphere and the mace, which can also give a great visual impression when the player is moving.
I think that as for unlockables, other levels would do for now; perhaps upon getting a certain score, or playing enough games, you'll unlock a cube or torus-shaped level. Other levels would have their own high score tables.
Hey guys,

Thanks for the suggestions - and a big thank you to the people that have donated. It's really appreciated and motivating. :)

I wound up spending this weekend getting a new computer set up, and just now finished getting my build environment set up on it. Up to this point I've been developing exclusively on a VM running on a relatively weak laptop, so I'm very excited to get some work on SGT done on my new machine. :) Sorry there's no actual update as was planned this weekend, but there will be soon. :)

edit: Christoph.Krn: Good catch on the wave-delay for subsequent games. Fixed now for the next release. :)
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Wermy - thank you for providing the D-pad/analog combo. It made this possible...

When I realized I had 600k, 9 lives, and 10 bombs, my heart started racing with the thought of breaking 1M and I started playing poorly... still made it though!!!
Wermy - thank you for providing the D-pad/analog combo. It made this possible...

When I realized I had 600k, 9 lives, and 10 bombs, my heart started racing with the thought of breaking 1M and I started playing poorly... still made it though!!!

Nice! I will resist my urge to compile a super easy version with which to beat your score... ;)

Edit: Also, I keep meaning to post this. A few people have asked that I make bombs clear asteroids.. Well, they *do* clear asteroids, but just aren't powerful enough to clear out the bigger ones. :) I may make it so it can clear out medium ones rather than just making them break into smaller ones...
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I finally got over 1 million :)



And I still had 1 bomb left.

It was the first time I was able to achieve over 1 million. My 2nd best score is 750k.

Nice game!
If there is ever an option to have a fully loaded SD card with newly sold Pandoras; this should definitely be on there.
How about enemies that drop power ups? (shield, homing bullets, a field that slows enemies within a certain proximity too you, health container)

How about enemies that zoom in, fire at you, and retreat.

How about boss battles?

Best yet: How about a short life bar instead of instant death.

The Game you are looking for is Crimsonland =) But if this game also has this functionality then my pandora will be much more valuable just because of this game =)