The Wild Rumpus - Indie games thing in London this Thurs


Advanced Member
Mar 9, 2010
Hi all

just a quick one [sneak on from work before the boss knows]

I just saw this and thought might be of interest to some of you guys, though obviously most of you wont be in the area but you never know who it...

[below robbed from the sites about page]

The Wild Rumpus brings together the best of indie mutliplayer videogames for the most unique events of crazy, exuberant, social and sometimes physical gameplay.

Our games line ups turn conventional videogame culture on it’s head. Closer in spirit to party, playground, or even drinking games, these are all games that you can’t play at home on your own. So come along and LET THE WILD RUMPUS START!

[end robbed quote]

the linkage