Thoughts On The Skin So Far?


Sorry, but I suck at explaining stuff :P
Dec 22, 2005
The cesspit of the world, Bradford U.K
Not finished yet, but I was just looking for some feedback to see if i'm on the right lines with my first skin :)
Here's a glimpse of the main menu (without text so far!):


The icons rise up when clicked on & show the different states of the StarGate in operation.

Any feedback (good/bad) would be cool cheers.
I like the different portal effects but it looks like you may run into some problems with adding the names of the different options because of space issues. Looks like you'll have a difficult time fitting them on there. But overal looks pretty cool.
Cheers for the feedback :D
I thought the same thing unil I tested it out with some actual text, but now I think it works quite well.
Here's the test shots:



I'll need a background for the text though as it can be quite hard to see <_<
It would be cool if you could get some nice animation effect when you select a portal, which manipulates the stargate name to mix and match and then make the items name. Like a conversion of Stargate to Video/Music/etc. Or an effect that sucks it into the portal.

P.S. the sdl_app window.. are you able to run an emulated gp2x environment?
Not enough Carter.

And I think you should spell that "Stargåte", instead of "Stårgåte".

Did you know, "Stargåte" should be pronounced aproximately like "stargoat". :p
Oh yes, the stargoat is ultimately cool. It err... runs around space err... making goat noises to err... bring peace and stuff.
Oh dear..
I knew I shouldn't have asked for feedback :lol:
As for carter? check the other post. Try as I might, I just can't find that photo again. Shame, she had a piercing in a very unusual place :eek:

I stumbled across a photo shoped picture of Amanda Tapping (samantha carter) naked about 2 years ago online, any chance of throwing that in somehow ;)

I'm a little limited at how much I can add to the skin at the mo with me not havin a GP2X yet (& being crap at graphics :( ). I'm stuck with using the skin tester on WinXP.
I'm not even sure how well the music player will work as it won't even let me test it.

I've nearly sorted out the positions etc. on the main menu, which is most of the hard work out of the way.
I don't want to use film shots for all the other menu's though, so I might take my time a bit on this & try to put together some more original backgrounds.
Yes some of the backgrounds might include Carter. No, they won't be naked :p sorry!

@Jarska333 - how the hell did u get that cool little o above the a?

Submited instead of previewed. Sorry!
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@Jarska333 - how the hell did u get that cool little o above the a?

I have that as a regular letter on my keyboard. ÅÄÖåäö, or scandics, for scandinavian letters. Similar to german ü and the double s.

It's unicode is 00E5, 00C5 for Å, input that on the Windows character map application.

Ah, press down alt, and type 0229 with the numpad on your keyboard, release alt. Alt+0197 for Å. Should work. :)

"Stårgåte" = Storegoat :D

Keeps the storeroom neat and tidy. B)
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