Uae4allgp2x 0.6.3


Chief Editor
Looks like new version of this excellent Amiga emu silently showed up on Critical's website. Here are the good news:

- Really fixed crashes on overclock. It seems to just crash when using HW accelerated SDL on the main menu.
- Added mouse acceleration
- option to main menu.
- Various other cosmetic things (no more flickering virtual keyboard).

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awesome, im really enjoying alien breed

cant see .3 though

bah silly proxy was caching the page :)
Very nice, thanks.

On a different note, I still think it would be nice if news topics were auto-locked and a link posted to a thread in the new Emulation section for discussion.
I haven't tried UAE4ALL yet, but I find it amusing that the menu says "reboot dreamcast". :) Unless that's from the DC version...
Really? I hadn't noticed. Maybe I just haven't gone into those menus, I pretty much just stick with selecting the disk and the "restart" menus.
Really? I hadn't noticed. Maybe I just haven't gone into those menus, I pretty much just stick with selecting the disk and the "restart" menus.

Nice to see a new release!! just tried Stunt car racer.. o/c to 266 f/s 1 no sound and it ran like a dog with crutches :(

hmmm just trying the tweak`d ver

I haven't tried UAE4ALL yet, but I find it amusing that the menu says "reboot dreamcast". :) Unless that's from the DC version...

That Dreamcast business isn`t in the latest releawe btw :)
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Great to see a new version...

Just installed it and tried WINGS again. The previous version had clearer sound. Sound seems to stutter (oc 275mhz)...

Also have this unanswered question. Can this emulator save to disk. I always have to start this game over even when I picked save to disk on exit. Maybe this feature is not emulated??? Or is it my wings version ?
Also have this unanswered question. Can this emulator save to disk. I always have to start this game over even when I picked save to disk on exit. Maybe this feature is not emulated??? Or is it my wings version ?
Well, it's not unanswered... it's been answered several times (just not when you asked, I guess). No save to disk at the moment.

I haven't tried UAE4ALL yet, but I find it amusing that the menu says "reboot dreamcast". :) Unless that's from the DC version...
Those screenshots were taken from Chui's Dreamcast web page. The GP2X port doesn't look like that ;)
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I could never get any version of Ue4all to boot, after selecting a rom and pressing R the screen just turns black. I think it has something to do with the kick.rom, maybe I have the wrong version.

Can anyone tell me the filesize/version of their kickrom, the exact name and where to put it?
I could never get any version of Ue4all to boot, after selecting a rom and pressing R the screen just turns black. I think it has something to do with the kick.rom, maybe I have the wrong version.
Same thing happens to me. Even since the first release, I've never been able to get this emulator to run anything. I've been trying to use Kickstart 1.3, and it's named kick.rom in the same directory as the executable, but I still get nothing but a black screen. If you start it without a disk image inserted, you should at least get the "insert disk" screen I would think, but I can't even get that. Should I be using Kickstart 1.2 or something?

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You need the 512kb overdumped kickstart 1.3 rom renamed to kick.rom.

Tosec name is:
Kickstart v1.3 rev 34.5 (1987)(Commodore)(A500-A1000-A2000-CDTV)[o].rom - 512kb

Notice the [o] in the name for overdumped.

By the way Ze_ro, what does the last word mean in your signature? I read "Those that have forgotton will -----"
- Really fixed crashes on overclock. It seems to just crash when using HW accelerated SDL on the main menu.
- Added mouse acceleration
- option to main menu.
- Various other cosmetic things (no more flickering virtual keyboard).

Good to know that the emulator for my favourite machine is still in progress. Thanks for this update.
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Thank you for this latest release, I am happy you took my suggestion on board about a mouse speedup in the menu as it makes games that bit more playable. Although I have just updated i will test games later tonight for a full test. So far I have noticed that in Dungeon Master the curser is much faster but loses all colour and is just a black arrow, dont know if this applies to any other games yet and have Dune II to look at.

Overclock is definitly fixed for me, thanks.

I've added disk writing support, as I've now been able to test it a bit (using workbench). Chui's code was already there, but there were a few things I wanted to investigate and fix before release.

Version 0.6.4 is now available with this change:

Auto save is ON by default. This means that if a program writes to disk, its changes will be saved in a file in the new "saves" directory that should be rooted in the same directory as the uae4all.gpe file.

I've also changed the default sound option to be ON now.

I'm looking to move the settings to be persistable, and hope to do that when key mapping is complete.

TomVS: I'd appreciate it if you could try this new version to see if it saves in WINGS for you.

Note that this new version does not feature 'save states', which are a completely different thing.
I was just wondering if anyone has had any luck getting Brutal Sports Football to work? It seems to run great but doesn't seem to recognize disk 2 in either drive. Maybe it's my adfs? The filenames are BRUTAL_SPORTS_FOOTBALL_DISK1 and 2

Also in Pinball Dreams most of the colors seem to be replaced by black which makes the game look strangely dark.