Unofficial Openpandora Community Blog

Hmm. We could link to the video vault in a roundabout way, by adding Video to the category list, then putting just one post under that category called "Pandora Video Vault". Anyone looking for video would click Video in the sidebar, and the Video Vault entry would appear.

Obviously this would work best if we didn't add any further posts to the video category. Just a thought anyway.
Or one thread called 'Links' that could be edited - unfortunately that could only be one of us as we can't edit others' posts.
To all those involved in the unofficial blog -- thank you !!

I use to like trawling about these forums, but these days its just full of whining, bitching, moaning and rehashing the same rubbish day in and day out ...

I find you capture the worthwhile posts, and all devs posts nicely.

So i use the blog and Chip single update thread these days

Keep it up good work!
mali said:
ED said:
Sie sind drunter, sieht man auch ganz genau an der Space-Taste, diese bricht sich ein wenig
Wir wollen die Bedruckung auch in Glow-In-The-Dark-Farbe machen lassen (wird grad noch mit der Firma ausdiskutiert), denn diese leuchten auch im Dunkeln immer ein wenig selber
Free Translation said:
The key printings are underneath the clear coating. We want to make the printings with glow-in-the-dark paint(currently we discuss this with the company), because they will then glow in the dark a little bit.
[expl.] ED said it in a discussion about a keyboard backlight MOD[/expl.]
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mali said:
glow-in-the-dark paint
*jaw hits floor*

If that actually happened, I would be a very happy boy :D

I've lost count of the times that I've had to manipulate my Zaurus' screen in the dark so I could see the keys. Whilst I've gotten better at thumbtyping in the dark over the years it's still nothing like touchtyping on a full keyboard. (Admittedly in the dark I occasionally lose the home row on those too. :p )
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mali said:
mali said:
ED said:
Sie sind drunter, sieht man auch ganz genau an der Space-Taste, diese bricht sich ein wenig

Wir wollen die Bedruckung auch in Glow-In-The-Dark-Farbe machen lassen (wird grad noch mit der Firma ausdiskutiert), denn diese leuchten auch im Dunkeln immer ein wenig selber
Free Translation said:
The key printings are underneath the clear coating. We want to make the printings with glow-in-the-dark paint(currently we discuss this with the company), because they will then glow in the dark a little bit.
[expl.] ED said it in a discussion about a keyboard backlight MOD[/expl.]
Thanks as always mali :)
You really should be an author.
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I just wanna add that this blog has been very useful. With it as a RSS-bookmark in Firefox you dont miss any Pandoranews.
But won't the LCD just give enough light to recognize the key letters?
Its also possible that the clear coating will bend the light and make the key readable in the dark. How would glow in the dark work for function keys? ...I've never seen blue- maybe red? I don't mind having glow-in-the-dark keys as long as they are bright/light (in color) and easy to read.
greendots said:
Its also possible that the clear coating will bend the light and make the key readable in the dark. How would glow in the dark work for function keys? ...I've never seen blue- maybe red? I don't mind having glow-in-the-dark keys as long as they are bright/light (in color) and easy to read.

They do have it, and I remember someone posting a link to one of the websites where you can choose a color for the material thingy. Green usually lasts much, much longer though.
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New blog post by EvilDragon:

Well... sort of :)
Why? Because yesterday has been the chinese new years day - which means that most of the guys in China are on holidays at the moment.
This might mean a delay of a few days for our CNC case and the keymat, though we're not sure about that yet (we're still talking to the companies about that.)

Some good news: We managed to get WiFi working! Basically, that was the last thing to test on the MK3 board, so the actual board is now ready for the mass production!

Going to bed now, it's 5am here in Germany, worked enough for today, eh? :)
Azure said:
New blog post by EvilDragon:

Well... sort of :)
Why? Because yesterday has been the chinese new years day - which means that most of the guys in China are on holidays at the moment.
This might mean a delay of a few days for our CNC case and the keymat, though we're not sure about that yet (we're still talking to the companies about that.)

Some good news: We managed to get WiFi working! Basically, that was the last thing to test on the MK3 board, so the actual board is now ready for the mass production!

Going to bed now, it's 5am here in Germany, worked enough for today, eh? :)
This shouldn't affect the FDM delivey so.... don't worry today or tomorrow we'll have the first FDM Pandora...
We know that for the Team it's difficult to respect dates so, however, few days of delay of the CNC case are not a problem.

P.S: Thanks to ED for the update.
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I see on the right panel, in the bottom several "empty" links: Array, Happy new year of the Pandora!, Updates for December ..... They all point to and not to a particular news post on the website.

Maybe it's better if you Simply replace it with LINKS section? The first link would be (of course) , then for example the video vault , then maybe the pandora wiki (which needs some love, btw), then maybe this forum

How do you think, guys?
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Gruso said:
Hmm. We could link to the video vault in a roundabout way, by adding Video to the category list, then putting just one post under that category called "Pandora Video Vault". Anyone looking for video would click Video in the sidebar, and the Video Vault entry would appear.

Obviously this would work best if we didn't add any further posts to the video category. Just a thought anyway.
sorry, I missed your replies.

I didn't realize that wordpress has its own limitations.

But.. how did you add those links, tahat I mentioned in above post? "Array", "Happy new year of the Pandora! " etc... on the bottom of right panel?

It is not possible to add more links in exactly the same way?
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