Visual Pinball port..?


Jan 4, 2010
Workington, Cumbria, (UK)
Apologies i don't know much about libraries, repo's etc.. so just ignore if this is a stupid idea,

I believe this is now open source, and i just thought it would be a great addition for the Pandora if it could ever run at a playable speed with maybe even a screen rotation option.

Is it possible, is anyone interested? (i use it on Windows & it's pretty cool)
From what I can see quickly, it uses DirectX, amongst some other Windows-specific stuff. It would need a lot of rewriting (if the source is even available, which I can't seem to find) to make it work.
There's been quite a bit of buzz about this going open-source recently, and it has been sorely missed on Linux for many many years. I have no doubt someone out there is making the conversion to Linux and hopefully it would be a short jump to the Pandora.
I agree it would be a great addition Klaus but i haven't a clue.

Crossing fingers ;)