Which Signature Graphic Is Better?


GP2X by EvilDragon OC's to 280-300MHz
May 10, 2006
Redesign #1:

Redesign #2:

#2 took half an hour to manually cut-out "Mandy" and the dude that is messing her up from Beats of Rage - but I worry that it detracts from the overall signature because it pops out so well it's hard to decide where the eye should rest.

#1 has a Sonic the Hedgehog background with a barely visible Sonic background beyond that (take a close look) and the focus is clearly on Cecilia, the elf. However, I'm not sure it's cooler.

What ideas do you guys have?
If your host supports PHP/ASP/whatever, you could make the image randomly change. That way you will get both of them :D.
I suppose a sig is supposed to give a feel for what you're all about. If you're all about Yashiro bashing the shit out of Blue Mary, then go for that one!
Uuhhhhhhhh I'm not much for violence against real women. I am for the GP2X, quite obviously ;)

I'm with WrongEyedJesus on the whole complexity issue. Dah! Decisions.

Hmmm ASP...
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It broke my rule ... it got adblocked ;)
*cackles* That roxxorz! It must be because the graphic comes from a different website? Anyway, that's awesome. I love Filterset G with Adblock for Firefox. But I digress.

I can't think of a way to have the image itself get replaced - via PHP or ASP yeah, but how? Because this board only allows for linking to images.
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Here's a bit of info:

Windows vista boasts a totally new desktop, it's vector based, this is why you need a super graphics card. Okay this is not news, but what may have escaped us is: The beta version of vista does not impliment this feature, it's still bitmap based. The Vector based desktop will be an implimented option in the full release, so we have still yet to see how it will really perform.
You can use a php file that is savced as .png to display one of the two images. Don't remember how but it CAN be done.
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Create a folder called image.jpg, with the script as the index file inside that folder. That's how I've done my avator.