Open-source Games That You Like?


'1qwerty' said:


This is not opensource, just happens to be ported to linux. With some begging you might get a pandora port, but I would not hold your breath since it would take conversion to OpenGL/ES.
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'mindlord' said:
This is not opensource, just happens to be ported to linux. With some begging you might get a pandora port, but I would not hold your breath since it would take conversion to OpenGL/ES.
Sorry, I though it is open source because it runs on Linux. I should be more careful.
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Also, If the Beagle Board has Ogre OpenGL ES support? Has anyone checked to see how well Stunt Playground complies on the Beagle Board. I know it's the closest thing to the Pandora in hardware.

Since Ogre now works on the beagle board (only ES1.1, so far), the main obstacle to Stunt Playground would be the Newton physics library, which is closed source (but free).

Julio (the author of newton) has already made windows, mac and linux versions, and recently he ported it to the iphone and ipod touch. I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard to talk him into doing a linux build suitable for the pandora. Plus the author of Stunt Playground (Walaber) is a moderator on the Newton forum, so that helps a bit. :)

Plus it's a small and fast physics lib, so it could be handy for other stuff if ported.
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'#1 GameMaster' said:
I'd like to know if Egoboo would be able to be ported to the Pandora because it's a pretty fun open source action-RPG. :D
I also enjoy this game, it needs a great deal of polish though. As you may or may not know, it has a GP2X port so it is certainly POSSIBLE, whether anyone will take up the task is unknown
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Has anybody played Black Shades? You play a bodyguard with psychic abilities like time slow and mens rea scouting (although I rarely use them). You have to defend the VIP from various assassins and on the nightmare levels, zombies. It has some cool features, like iron sights, charging, and tackles. And the psychic abilities, of course.

It was written by David Rosen, the founder of Wolfire Games (Lugaru, Overgrowth) for the uDev contest. The graphics were simplified to ensure the game would be finished on time. At first, I shied away from that, but I think it gives the game a unique feel. I'll admit, some features feel a bit rough. The version on my Linux box seems to have really bad AI.

Goodness, how on Earth have I managed not to hear of Black Shades before?! That looks like fun! (And I absolutely adore the almost "alien" look of 3D that looks like that - it's one of those things I've always liked.)
Gerix said:
Has anybody played Black Shades? You play a bodyguard with psychic abilities like time slow and mens rea scouting (although I rarely use them). You have to defend the VIP from various assassins and on the nightmare levels, zombies. It has some cool features, like iron sights, charging, and tackles. And the psychic abilities, of course.

wow, that games look marvelous and i simply love the graphics...
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Julius said:
Seriously, there are sooo many you can't possibly list them all here.

A good source for open-source games is the great freegamer blog:

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

@ waffels: The requirements are generally not that bad, and the Pandora is quite fast. In general a few games might really be impossible (haven't seen one in this thead yet though) and quite a few will pose quite a lot of porting effort to make them run (in which category some of the games posted here would fit).

P.S.: All the Freespace2 modifications and Homeworld1 HAVE to be ported

P.S.S.: NO OpenUT can NOT be ported as is is only a small part of the UT source code!!! Didn't we have this discussion about a 100 times already??? When will this stupid idea ever die in this Forum?

Thanks for the link ;) I went there and seen that one of the games I have been following for quite some time has finally released an Alpha version of their game which I hope could be ported to the Pandora some time which is 0 A.D. :D
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#1 GameMaster said:
Julius said:
Seriously, there are sooo many you can't possibly list them all here.

A good source for open-source games is the great freegamer blog:

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

@ waffels: The requirements are generally not that bad, and the Pandora is quite fast. In general a few games might really be impossible (haven't seen one in this thead yet though) and quite a few will pose quite a lot of porting effort to make them run (in which category some of the games posted here would fit).

P.S.: All the Freespace2 modifications and Homeworld1 HAVE to be ported

P.S.S.: NO OpenUT can NOT be ported as is is only a small part of the UT source code!!! Didn't we have this discussion about a 100 times already??? When will this stupid idea ever die in this Forum?

Thanks for the link ;) I went there and seen that one of the games I have been following for quite some time has finally released an Alpha version of their game which I hope could be ported to the Pandora some time which is 0 A.D. :D

WOW! I completely forgot about 0 A.D., I just assumed it would go the way of Duke Nukem Forever. Glad to see it's finally coming along. It would be pretty awesome to have on the Pandora, definitely. Whether or not it would fit is another story entirely.

Edit: On second thought the alpha is god-awful, production is all over the place (Some really nice looking assets, maps, and backgrounds, but a shit ton of missing game logic - like how the villagers "collect" food from animals (without hunting them), and the game has absolutely no enemy AI whatsoever.) and for whatever reason even though it isn't that good looking, it doesn't hit 60 FPS on my computer which has:

Athlon II x2 245 @ 3.8Ghz
4GB DDR2 1066 5-5-5-15
500GB Sata II HDD
Nvidia Geforce 9800GT (1360x768)

It only does around 50-55FPS most of the time. Very strange.

And on this computer AOE III runs perfectly with over 100FPS with all graphics options at max. It's definitely both not optimized or written well enough to even bother porting to the pandora. Maybe some time in the future (A long time.)

Man, all this time and production has gone insanely slow.
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If you haven't yet, you need to experience the awesomeness that is XEvil

It's a ceaseless deathmatch featuring (among other things) dogs, aliens, ninjas, dragons, and drugs. Need I say more?


Screenshot from

Real shame that Typhoon isn't open source, i play this on an almost daily basis - it would look and sound phenomenal on Pandora.

Hopefully the Tempest 2K port is still ongoing, so at least i can feed my addiction.
I don't know if this games were already mentioned or not (though I'm sure there is no chance somebody here even heard of the last one), but I don't see them on the list.

Numpty Physics


They both are similair to Crayon Phisics but have their source code open.