

I`m ready with what I`ve done... so, should I send it to you, Mosch or to you, Sam Fischer? Or do you have a server, where I can upload the files by myself (and perhaps change them, if something doesn`t work)?
Yay, design successfully added to the site!

Go check it out now, and post what you think!
I just wanted to visit the gpcomics-page, but apart from the fact that doomportables.org seems to block larger parts of the IP range of my provider, I have another problem. I was using a remote shell to browse the page then, and i saw you're using flash for the navigation. That's a very bad thing to do, because there still are people that don't have and don't want flash (not only textbrowser users). Text-only pages might not look as good and funky, but at least they're available for everyone.
I personally did an all text one. No flash, no fancy stuff, just the links to the comics and a little info about each one. I have no idea how the new page looks as I can't access it.... and somehow it really impacts on your willingness to work if you can't see the final product <_<

I really wonder what the page looks like now (HINT HINT. As nobody asked me before what I thought about it. And yes, I am a little insulted.).