Sadly, a lot of what I've read above, and I have read
every single argument: (for and against) is completely missing the point of christianity and what it stands for.
I really don't want to sound patronising, but I have a feeling a lot of the angry posts that are an attempt to disprove God, are from children who are very impressionable by their peers, teachers, media and fasion.
This is exactly the attitude I had when I was at school, mostly because I thought me and my mates know everything and some spiritual bollocks being preached by 'wierdos' and 'stupid' people was trying to force a particular belief on someone.
Now, 9 years after leaving school, I have been thinking A LOT about this kind of thing. And these are thoughts that have had no bias or influence from anyone else.
I admit, I have had a lot of difficult times and seen a lot of suffering from people around me. And this may have caused me, in darker times, to look elsewhere for "salvation" so to speak.
I would probably still consider myself a "weak atheist" because of my developed understanding and belief in science, and my ignorence to religions in general but I'm beginning to find clarity in understanding what (I think) "God" really means.
The Christian values are everything I want to live by, and I'm beginning to realise that God is undefinable and unexplainable. The image of a "Supreme being" or even a "Man" is just a symbol to depict God. Just like the word "god" is just a word to explain a great deal.
This is the beauty of Christianity, it does not need to be proved or disproved. It is afterall known as "faith". I too have thought of every augument you can possibly throw against the religion. Yes, they all seem very clever and obvious, but until you have had an extremely close look at life (whether this is caused by unhappy times or happy times), it is impossible to understand the subject enough to really give a proper augument.
Ignorence will always be present on both sides of any augument.
Now I'm thinking of religion in a true spiritual sense, and not as a physical explanation, I am really starting to see a Clarity in the meaning of the word "faith".
Still, I am not a Christian, because I don't know where my views fit into christianity, some more traditional christians seem to have fundamental views about the Bible that I can't agree with.
Yet, I admit, I am still ignorent to the different types of Christianity.
Also, I am currently living in sin. As I am living with my unmarried partner and child. This is really because I have a great respect for Christianity and don't want to take part in a ceromany when I do not fully understand it's meanings.
Well, I could go on forever, but I'd better stop there for now. But please, could people try to broaden there minds and except different viewpoints. Why do people always feel the need to force their views onto others????
It has taken me a long difficult time, to even try to broaden my views this much. I am fairly intelligent but it is extremely hard to really look at what you think you know, and what you REALLY know..... .....if you know what I mean