Beta Appstore

Justman said:
Seems like I can reload the page for an application and rate it over and over again. I just opened the page for Firefox and down-rated it multiple times until it stopped saying "Awaiting More Votes". Is there anything checking whether a vote has been made for a particular item?

No, not yet, I'll fix that. It should only really appear if you are logged in too. One vote per person per version I guess, or maybe make it if you vote again your past vote is erased.
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- when setting up an account it doesnt check the email properly, only for length I guess.
- accepts odd special characters better not to be used in user names.

- how about fixing the blue area, or at least the left part of the screen? since there's nothing else to display under the left menu and it fits one screen, why scroll it away.
- I know thats cosmetics, but make the "search..." either highlighted or go away the moment i click that text box.
(naw)mcx said:
Haw haw, Craig, my spelling sucks.

Make me an edit button, before some one notices.

There is an edit function but i've disabled it for now. It will appear if this round of testing works ok.
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(naw)mcx said:
the download counter will not go up.

edit: is that what the vi agra is for?

Ahh, forgot to link that code up, totally forgot there was even a counter. Whoops!
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I'll like to take a look at the Appstore if it's not too much trouble. I would fully understand not wanting to send PM to just about everyone... you probably will have more than enough beta tester.

I would definitely try to give you feedback on the functionality (bugs...) but I am by no mean an HTML / javascript expert.
Just aesthetics-wise, I've noticed that while you can still right click and open an image and see the original one that was uploaded, but on the page any image is stretched to...320x192? Could just be fixed by people correctly formatting their images when it goes public I guess.

And I can't downrank comments, though should there also be an uprank button? It would also be nice if "Go to your account or signup" changed if you were already signed in.

I'm surprised my 33 character password with a couple &,@, and !s worked, but I was able to sign up twice with the same username and email, different password, the second password worked
Justman said:
I think it's still letting me post form elements in the description, but it seems to have stripped the Javascript this time.

Thanks, I see how it worked there. Clever.
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why does*

i'm stressed, give me a break.

also, the click to deactivate buttons don't work at the top.


  • 16k7xg5.png
    4.2 KB · Views: 135
Can you add a user settings so the displayed dates are user configurable? i think the current format is DD/MM/YYYY. People around the world use different formats.

Also some of the dates are not consistent:
ex: PicoDrive v5 - 27/2/2010
Mupen64 - 16/2/10

Maybe add a user option to see all your comments on games/apps.
Was unable to "vote down" a comment. Where's the "vote up" button?

It allows you comment on a game before I event downloaded/installed it. Might want to prevent this commenting, before I've downloaded it. It also allows you to rate if you aren't signed in.

When displaying comments, might be helpful to have the date the user posted the comment.

After you have downloaded a game and you go back to game's page, The "install" button is still there. Maybe we should ghost this option, or have some other indication that you've already downloaded this version (instead of needing to go back to "My acct" page.

After selecting a game/application it displays "name - size in kb", author and category. Maybe make "author's name" a link, so you can see what other things this person has uploaded.
At the top, spelling error. Catagory should be "Category".

Catagory should be "Category"

I put in the version number of "9.8$@". Maybe someone already broke it...

Software error:

syntax error at upload.cgi line 80, near "$description "
Unrecognized character \xCA at upload.cgi line 81.

For help, please send mail to the webmaster (...), giving this error message and the time and date of the error.
Seems like you could check to see if a page exists before loading it with '' for outdated or malformed links and display the home page or an error page. Try
and it loads the page void of info.

Also, are you going to allow uploaders to upload a new version of the application on the same page as the previous version, so that comments will have some sort of continuity? You could label the comments with the version of the app that it was when the comment was made. It would also make the app store less cluttered with different versions of the same app.
Hey, can't we open up a Wave (in Google Wave) or an EtherPad so that we can gather all found exploits and collaborate in our attack? I've found a couple myself (many of which have been patched via a conversation with craigix on MSN) but nothing too devastating...
dflemstr said:
Hey, can't we open up a Wave (in Google Wave) or an EtherPad so that we can gather all found exploits and collaborate in our attack? I've found a couple myself (many of which have been patched via a conversation with craigix on MSN) but nothing too devastating...

hehe just found a wave for openpandora, not for this subject though :p

If anyone is interested just search for "with:public openpandora"
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