Are we running out of RETRO?

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Other than some future device that will be able to faultlessly emulate..PS2, XBOX,Gamecube and Dreamcast games are we running out of retro games?

Yes I know developers are working on ways to improve various emulators and this is appreciated. I also realize that there will be some open source game created that are retro inspired.

But is the library getting thinned out? After all not all gaming from the 70's-80's and 90's was tip- top notch and I am sure not everyone would like those type of sub par games in our gaming libraries. Maybe I am wrong?

How many great or good undiscovered games are left for us  from all the major consoles in the past? 

Is the Pandora community searching for the 'next big thing'?....if so what might it be and would it be retro gaming related? Are we bloated?

Emulators for Saturn,3DO and Jaguar seem problematic at best and I realize attempts and discussions about those emulators have bean well discussed in this forum.

So really what else is left ?
Well, I don't think of the Pandora as an emulator only system.. we still have plenty to do with native ports and such.
I guess you've lost your paddle there m8 once the Dreamcast is emulated i guess thats the end of the road for retro ps2 had some good games like god of war but apart from that i can't think of anything else, i'd like to see mame become legal and perhaps updated versions of these old classic games or extra levels released, most of the old arcade games are better than half the convaluted garbage on android just now the new bubble bobble lost cave levels in mame is brilliant or maybe some revamped versions of classic games like axelay(which sturmwind owes a great debt to) gradius contra etc the rebirth games on wiiware were very good a new blazing star or a proper followup to radiant silvergun or ikaruga
There's room for much improvement in the emulation itself - I want a version of Mame for Oculus Rift (ideally when resolution passes 4k!) that shows me a cavernous arcade (or recreations of famous arcades like Funspot) with all the machines physically lined up and running their attract mode!
Pinball emulators would be good on the OR, Future Pinball would be sweet in true 3D.

Back on topic, for me the DC is the last great console I want emulated.
Pinball emulators would be good on the OR, Future Pinball would be sweet in true 3D.

Back on topic, for me the DC is the last great console I want emulated.
I'd love to have the Xbox 360 games readily available to play on my phone.
There's a lot more to retro than SNES and MegaDrive. There are plenty of European and Japanese 8-bit machines we don't have emulators for as far as I know - the old Orics and Welsh Dragons, NEC's PC8801 series machines. To be honest most of the European machines are curiosities, only containing inferior ports of more famous arcade games, but the PC8801 had some classic game series on it - dunno how playable they are if you can't read Japanese though.
There's a lot more to retro than SNES and MegaDrive. There are plenty of European and Japanese 8-bit machines we don't have emulators for as far as I know - the old Orics and Welsh Dragons, NEC's PC8801 series machines. To be honest most of the European machines are curiosities, only containing inferior ports of more famous arcade games, but the PC8801 had some classic game series on it - dunno how playable they are if you can't read Japanese though.
but as pointed out, just becsue we dont play them currently, doesnt mean they are good enough for us to want to play them
Don't forget new consoles become retro as the years go by. Some consider ps1 and n64 retro already. In ten years Xbox, GameCube, and ps2 will be in the same category
Don't forget new consoles become retro as the years go by. Some consider ps1 and n64 retro already. In ten years Xbox, GameCube, and ps2 will be in the same category

Do you really think the n64 is a "modern" console

And I already think of the Gamecube and Wii as retro since its been emulated successfully at full speed for several years.
Don't forget new consoles become retro as the years go by. Some consider ps1 and n64 retro already. In ten years Xbox, GameCube, and ps2 will be in the same category
>alreadyDo you really think the n64 is a "modern" console

And I already think of the Gamecube and Wii as retro since its been emulated successfully at full speed for several years.
You raise an interesting point. Just what is "retro"? I've been pondering this for literally two minutes and 36 seconds now, and believe I have a definition.

You see, I don't class the PS1, N64 or even the SNES as retro - they are all part of my late-teens. What I do class as retro are things like Space Invaders, Pacman, Spectrum/ZX81, C64. Others here do see the SNES as retro, they see the N64 and even PS1 as retro - and you'll likely find that they were the consoles that they encountered when they were young (ie, before their teenage years). To me, these 8bit (and their predecessors) CPUs were magical, they were the forefront of my experience. Because I was young, and they were complex.

So something is retro depending on your age, rather than the age of the console. They trigger certain memories, certain feelings that your more adult and sophisticated mind is incapable of experiencing now with newer tech.

I think retro is when it stops being magical in a way. I remember the gameboy resolution to be much higher than it actually is. Maybe thats just what made old consoles great, i think im becoming one of those, newer things have no gameplay people.
I played the Gameboy Advanced SP, PS 1 and the Gamecube growing up. My favorite video game ever is Super Mario Sunshine. I to this day have not gotten more enjoyment out of a single game than SMS
Running out of...?

Dude, do you realize how many games are available for all these systems pre ps2?

I'll NEVER have the time to play all of the worthy PS1 titles alone and there is so much more.

What we need is not more consoles, but better emulation of some of the old ones, especcially GBA,

which is perfect for our screen and controls but has too many compatibility issues left.
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I equate retro by the 10 year/decade mark...anything 10 years or older is retro gaming.

I will say yes there are many games I will never get to play pre-ps2 but do I really want to play them all??...I think not.
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