Best Travel Keyboard?

javaJake said:
ShyGuy's got the right idea! Any mobile Dvorak keyboards out there?
But the Dvorak doesn't save you any space. So there! ;)
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Tom` said:
dsleaf67 said:
I've been looking at these and they look nice to me.

here, here or wireless BT

That last one is actually not BT, it's IR - it comes with a USB receiver, though, so it should work fine. Might drain your batteries, I don't know how much power IR takes.

Sorry, about that! :blush: Then if BT is looked at I might try This
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DealExtreme have a few travel-sized keyboards, including some of the same ones that are cropping up in the eBay listings of late, for what it's worth. :P Some of them (including a fold-up one) are out of stock, though, unfortunately.
Prometheus said:

You've mentioned this site a couple of times (or other folks have). I started looking at it today. I HATE YOU. I probably won't stop surfing all the pages until sometime next year - they have some of the coolest and strangest stuff on that site! Many thanks... I think? ;)

/off topic
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jdh2550 said:
You've mentioned this site a couple of times (or other folks have). I started looking at it today. I HATE YOU.


Haha, I think quite a few people have mentioned it. :lol: I learned of the place from here a while before I signed up, oddly enough.


I probably won't stop surfing all the pages until sometime next year - they have some of the coolest and strangest stuff on that site! Many thanks... I think? ;)

/off topic
No problem - have fun. :lol: (I think I shall join you in browsing it, now. I wouldn't mind a mini-keyboard myself.)

</also off-topic>
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jdh2550 said:
Prometheus said:

You've mentioned this site a couple of times (or other folks have). I started looking at it today. I HATE YOU. I probably won't stop surfing all the pages until sometime next year - they have some of the coolest and strangest stuff on that site! Many thanks... I think? ;)

/off topic

heh you like them you gota look at thinkgeek too if youve never been there..

and theres one other i cant remember atm that deals with all asian import wackyness that im sure some otaku will pipe up about shortly .. (now if i can just get one of those panty vending machines for my bar)

and some day ill sell/trade my streetfigher 2 turbo cab (the only restored one i own the others are home built) if i can find someone with one of these that will realy make the lass happy no? :>

and for the record ive used one of those bluetooth projection keyboards .. meh its very hit or miss if its set up right they work ok but they are just not practical if your the kind of person who needs to see the keyboard or dosnt have a spotless flat place to set it up..a cool feature thou is you can set the software (in windows atleast) to give audible clicks as you type witch helps.
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jdh2550 said:
Yeah, I know, you're thinking "I don't want to learn to use a six key keyboard"... but on the off chance you're interested in the concept check out

Very interesting! I tried the gkos emulator for PC (where SDF and JKL represent the buttons) and it was surprisingly easy. Will definitely be keeping an eye on your hardware mod :)
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well the pandora has a full 43 key keyboard. learn to take your texting skills to an extreme?
keaft said:
well the pandora has a full 43 key keyboard. learn to take your texting skills to an extreme?
Not all of us are Tommy "Two Thumbs" Thompson.
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I've used the fellowes Stowaway keyboard (like that Monomobile one) and really liked it for text entry. I did have trouble with the Zaurus using it, so there may be some bumps using it with the Pandora but hopefully the drivers will turn out OK (the Zaurus on Angstrom refused to acknowledge some mappings).
That's my thought. The Pan will come with a keyboard, so the only reason I'd want an external keyboard is to have something full-size when not carrying the Pandora. Actually carrying a full-size keyboard would be silly, so the folding kind makes the most sense to me. Dvorak mapping could be done within the Pandora's Linux distribution (setxkbmap or other friends).

A nicely built GKOS "cradle" that would fit under the Pandora so you could hold it without putting it on a surface, twiddle GKOS with your fingers and occasionally hunt-and-peck with thumbs if you needed would be a nice combination, though. There are ergonomic issues to be solved, but not horrible ones.
MDave said:
Doesn't using an external keyboard kinda defeat the point of having a pandora with a built in keypad? And perhaps should be looking at something like a netbook if you want to carry around and use a larger keyboard? :blink:
I guess so. I plane use Pandora as is, or with traditional keyboard. I don't see any profit from replace small keyboard with "little bigger but still small" one.
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MDave said:
Doesn't using an external keyboard kinda defeat the point of having a pandora with a built in keypad? And perhaps should be looking at something like a netbook if you want to carry around and use a larger keyboard? :blink:
Not at all! I carried a Zaurus SL-C1000 (not my picture, BTW) for quite some time. Its full QWERTY thumb-keyboard was great for casual text entry and everyday handheld use.

But occasionally you would be someplace stable for a decent amount of time (bus, train, plane, hotel room) and want to do some more serious text entry (journal, email, whatever). Being able to pull a foldy full-size keyboard out of a different pocket, whip out Emacs or whatever, and go to town without having to lug around even a tiny laptop (seriously, Zaurus went in one jacket pocket, foldy keyboard in another) was really very cool and handy. This flexibility is one of the things I'm most excited about with the Pandora actually.

I think my ideal portable system would have a minimal built-in keyboard on the back of the device (gkos on the back, more screen real estate on the front), the option to pick with a stylus on the front of the device if necessary, and USB host for a foldy keyboard.
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vputz said:
...occasionally you would be someplace stable for a decent amount of time (bus, train, plane, hotel room) and want to do some more serious text entry (journal, email, whatever). Being able to pull a foldy full-size keyboard out of a different pocket, whip out Emacs or whatever, and go to town without having to lug around even a tiny laptop (seriously, Zaurus went in one jacket pocket, foldy keyboard in another) was really very cool and handy. This flexibility is one of the things I'm most excited about with the Pandora actually...
I understand. But I mus mention my own experience. I'll buy small USB kbd (notebook style) for my Loox N560, but it have slightly different layout than standard kbd and than my notebook. After some time I don't use it at all. One big stable Chicony allways fit in my bag :-) OK, it's little trouble if no bag, but I nearly always carrying "not small not big" one on my back. Full size, full lift and solid (not foldable) is better for me.
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Daedueleus said:
There is a mini-keyboard on DealExtreme. But the folding one looks better. It all comes down to what you need it to do anyway. 56-Key USB

I have one of these - it's nice, though be careful with the USB mini jack - I actually broke mine after first use, and I ended up having to replace it with a full USB cord (cut, then soldered directly to the board). I use it at work sometimes, when I work on two computers at a time, but don't have room for two full keyboards. My co-workers ask about the keyboard, and I tell them, "I spilled water on it, and it shrunk!"
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I take it you haven't had any of the issues mentioned in the product comments, atari_eric? (If not, I'll have to order one of these - it looks ideal for me. :P)