Best/Worst Bugs you have found in games?


Mega GP Mania
I had a dream last night that I was perpetually stopped from completing a game due to absurd bugs.

What odd bugs do you remember from classic games, or have any random strange bugs stuck you down in a game just once and never again?
In Sonic and Knuckles, I found that if you defeat the first sub boss too fast you can't get to the act end screen, did that far too many times.


Just realized you said just once, in that case I remember playing Sonic 2 and I got to the Hill Top Zone, and the level didn't load so I kept falling to my death.
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When playing Driver 2 on the PS1, I remember I was parked up against a building while in my car, and I got T-boned by a cop car so hard that my vehicle, like, went above the building I was next to (This one in the City too, so the buildings were very tall) And I ended up LANDING on the building which had a large green circle in the middle. Since I couldn't drive off the edge, I drove in to the circle and then the game said that I drowned ;-;

Then, in the same game, I was driving down a road when I saw these car-shaped shadows on the road perpendicular to me. I drove on to the road with the shadows on it and my car made a sound as if I just fell a huge distance and hit the ground, and there was an invisible wall keeping me from backing up. When I drove over one of the shadows (Which honked at me), I ended up falling indefinitely before drowning.
The first ever bug I found in a game was in pro wrestling on the master system. In a 2 player game, if the person on the turnbuckle launched himself at the other player just as he was jumping out of the ring, lots of crazy stuff used to happen. (slow motion, perpetual running across the screen) We used to find it hilarious, but I guess you had to be there......and be about 12 :-D
Headhunter 2 on the ps2.You reach the second or 3rd level and that's it.You can't progress.It cant be finished.Well known fuck up at the time.It was asked if anyone actually tested it during developement.
Um.... Smugglers run... on PS2 I believe. I used to play it with my friend and we realised you can drive up the waterfall if you hit it right. And then from there you could carefully drive on the map edge (cliffs).

If you were careful you could get around most of the map perimeter... but I don't think we ever managed to get all the way round. Also if you fell off you feel for a real long time and then fell back onto the map...
In the arcade game RoboCop there are two exploits that are beneficial to the player

1. You can actually kill the ED-209 boss before he appears on the screen at the end of the first level.

2. On the junkyard stage (level 4 IIRC) if you stay on the lift halfway through the level your score rockets up.
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2, was locked inside a temple permanently because the game thought I exited and finished it. crystal dynamics are notorious for their glitches.

Prince of Persia Sands of time, odd "pigeon flap" animation glitch consistent (ps2). in the torture chamber walk to the edge of the one of the higher wooden beams then just jump straight up and down.

Resident Evil 4, known as the "ditman glitch" speeds up leon's animations by a factor of 2.

Street fighter 2, "Guile's handcuffs" breaks your opponent's ability to attack.
Jet Set Willy's "Attic Bug" - fantastic, and spun off by the publishers as a feature that makes the game harder (when you enter the attic, you get hit by an invisible arrow so die, forcing you to take a much longer, more tortuous route to the room on the other side of The Attic) before they were ridiculed into releasing a series of POKEs you had to type in after MERGEing the loader which would fix the bug.

Great times.

One time I made it to the bottom of the Rat Race level in Battletoads but the rat never fell and I was stuck there until I turned the NES off.
I found an awesome way to increase your cargo capacity in any ship on Frontier: Elite 2; by jettisoning the item "below" rubbish. That was pretty cool
In Stunts, there was this great bug that made your car jump really, really high (extremely high, but you would still fall down after going up for like, 30 seconds or so). You could make custom tracks with a sequence of ramps that made this bug reproducible with high probability.
Red Dead Redemption

Jumping stagecoach.

People facing the wrong way while sat on benches.

Was about to complete a mission in Mexico when the floor disappeared.

Was taking a bank safe back to town, decided to rob it instead, so opened it collected the money and jumped off the cart, the horse and cart then disappeared leaving the safe floating in mid air.

The Suffering/The Suffering: Ties That Bind (I forget which one)

I get halfway through the game, the game then crashes, no problem I can just restart the game from the last saved position, the only problem is that the save game system hasn't been working so there aren't any savegames (even auto-saved ones), cue me quitting the game and never playing it again.
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probally a known one... but ff4 on snes if you unequip your sword and shield in battle from the item menu, leave battle, when you re-equip it, you will have a quanity of 2 in each slot, unequip and re-equip out of battle and it will clone the item, wash rinse repeat. Nothing better than hurling an endless supply of end game swords at random monsters =)

dont ask me how I figured it out, the 10 year old version of myself doesn't remember
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In Stunts, there was this great bug that made your car jump really, really high (extremely high, but you would still fall down after going up for like, 30 seconds or so). You could make custom tracks with a sequence of ramps that made this bug reproducible with high probability.

Hah, I'm going to post a stunts related bug too, if you use the formula 1 car (Porsche March Indy) and take a jump at max acceleration. when doing this you end up in some odd quirky mode if you keep on the accelerator, your car will not slow down on any jump or rough surface..It's like your floating on air over any surface.. when in this odd mode you can jump over grassy hills and get a lot of air on jumps.
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That reminds me of the Gran Turismo 3 glitch, if you hit the wall at a certain angle with the Suzuki Escudo (with all of the spoilers and gear ratios at certain values) the car would launch into the air giving you a top speed of something like 1400MPH, realistic driving simulator....

Also on the original Halo, in blood gulch if you reverse a tank over another sometimes it will fling into the sky spinning wildly.
In Half Life 2 if you pick up a palet at the right angle, run onto it, then repeatedly jump, you fly. Its hardly elegant, but very interesting to see what Valve put beyond the edge of their maps and behind previously impassible police blockades.
In Half Life 2 if you pick up a palet at the right angle, run onto it, then repeatedly jump, you fly. Its hardly elegant, but very interesting to see what Valve put beyond the edge of their maps and behind previously impassible police blockades.

I always like to explore those areas too, not just in 3D games but in some 2D games where it's possible too.
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This probably was already known. On The Dishwasher: Dead Samurai, when you start to use dish magic, you can switch your weapons during that phase and it'll cancel you using the magic, but the game will still slow down for the few seconds when you use it. However, if you switch weapons twice, you can move freely at normal speed while everything else is still slowed down for the few seconds and can attack them. I went through story on the hardest difficulty and beat it with ease using this, wasn't very fun though lol.