Big Thanks To Craig

Jul 30, 2008
Gdansk, Poland
This whole project is an extremely big undertaking, we all understand how difficult it is to work under hard pressure. All the difficulties accumulating along the path and unknowing people nagging about them. This can get bigger than a man, but will never get bigger than whole community, which supports you, Craig. We support you wholeheartedly!
To craigix and all the devs: well done and keep going. Soon you may be able to relax. Cheers to you all!
weeeeeee!!!!!! tank you sooo much, me wantz thiz uber mchine soooooooooo baaaaad :p

Seriously, exited about the last weeks! (i hope? :rolleyes: )
it never can hurt to offset all the whining that happens now and then *ahum*.

Keep it going...
Craig, Ed, Faith, MWeston, DaveC, Squidge, DJWillis, Zottd, Prophet and anyone else I have forgotten - all deserve praise not only for all work done on Open Pandora project and putting up with those horrible abusive posts as well as keeping the faith from GP32, GP2X and Now :D

Lets create a fund toget all these buggers in one place and plastered at the same time (preferably in the midlands or down south - Newcastle is a wee bit too cold nowadays) :p


gp32_console + :gp2x and Hopefully Soon a :pandora1:
I think its..

-> platform, funding, design, etc.

DJWillis is awesome btw, working on the OS builds. notaz is doing the kernel (taking over from DJW awhile back), and is awesome.

I am just glad it is moving again! :D Still can't wait to get my last year's Birth-Day present though.
I say thank you to all that have have undertaken this enormous challenge to bring the vision of the ultimate device to reality.
Let's not forget the tireless efforts of the inanimate carbon rod, without whom none of this would be possible.

....But seriously :) - Thanks for the ongoing effort guys, the whole community supports you!
+1 for the thanks. I remember first coming to the community for the GP2X and it appears that the same foundation members are still pushing the community forward.

Congrats on getting this far and I wish you all the best for the final stages. I will gladly be one of your happy customers :D
HA! again this forum proves to discriminate against users. I posted such a thread and I was mocked, laughed at and locked.