Burning Sand/falling Sand Game On Pandora


Aug 31, 2008
With the stylus and touchscreen, this'd be the most awesome app ever...


It's not open source, but there's probably something similar which is.
mazza558 said:
With the stylus and touchscreen, this'd be the most awesome app ever...


It's not open source, but there's probably something similar which is.

[edit]: damn you squidge you beat me to it.

bs2 source
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mazza558 said:
With the stylus and touchscreen, this'd be the most awesome app ever...
World of Sand on the DS (one of the aforementioned "something similar"s) is fantastic, so, +1. :D
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First of all: sorry for bumping a two-and-a-half year old topic. But I thought it would be a shame to make a new topic while there was already an old topic running about this subject.

I'm WaveHack from the OpenPandora boards, and I'm proudly to present that I am working on a Falling Sand Game for the Pandora! Here's my post from the OP boards:

[quote name='WaveHack' timestamp='1299372385']
I'm working on a little game for the Pandora called Sandora! (Cheesy, I know). It's basically a C port of SDL Sand, which is a Falling Sand Game!

A FSG is a sandbox game where you have a 2d canvas (usually the whole screen) and you draw certain types of particles on the screen (walls, water, sand, salt, oil, fire, etc) which fall down (or float up) and interact with other particles. There isn't any point in it, other than being a fun and relaxing casual sandbox game!

Here's a photo of it running on my Pandora:


I'm posting this here in the Development section and not in software release, because I'm still working on the game. It compiles and executes on the Pandora, but that's basically it. Performance is very poor, which I am hoping to fix in order to release it on the file archive. I'm 'releasing' the source early, because I hope I can get some input and feedback from the community in how to increase performance (or have ideas gameplay-wise, although performance is currently top priority in order to make it playable). My C isn't really that top-notch, so I'm more than willing to learn.

You can find the new download links of the alpha version and all subsequent releases on the SourceForge project page, under files. The official page for Sandora is now located on my website at http://mineth.net/projects/sandora/. Please follow my blog (or the SF tracker) for updates and let's keep development discussion in this topic.
Thanks for the game/program! I always loved those things, but felt that they were better suited to a portable medium. Now we have one on the Pandora :D
fearofshorts said:
Thanks for the game/program! I always loved those things, but felt that they were better suited to a portable medium. Now we have one on the Pandora :D

Well I haven't released it yet. I still need to make it more stable and more user-friendly (with selecting particles). After that I will put a .pnd up for release.

But if you are a developer and able to (natively) compile, please do grab the source from SVN and test it out on your Pandora. :)

I also made a quick video yesterday, showing it running on my Pandora:

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PND release available! See this topic for more info: http://boards.openpandora.org/index.php?/topic/2288-sandora-011/

Or grab it directly from here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/sandora/files/0.1.1/sandora-0.1.1.zip/download

Will upload it later to the Pandora File Archive.

Thanks a lot for this, it's a very nice application :)

I love watching water flowing through rust !

But I think it suffers from the "SDL bug", as you lose touchscreen calibration if you click on one of the corners...

Bye, and thanks again !

Magic Sam