Cases & Boards Greenlighted Already?

The boards have been greenlighted (greenlit? :p ) for a while. MWeston is doing a manual wifi fix on the first 700, but the rest are having this fix done during population at the factory. Apparently they already have 1500 boards in the UK.

No word on the cases yet. They're doing some very minor fixes on the fly during assembly, just some filing on the shoulder buttons I think, which only takes seconds per unit. (I'm on way too slow a connection to search for sources right now, but you should find them here: I don't know if they're happy to do this for the next 3,000 as well, or if they plan to ask the factory to do it...
God, please don't ask that factory to do anything extra. I' like to get my Panda some time this year!
Since it's pretty obvious they'll be done with first 1000 before they get the rest of the boards and cases does that mean everyone will have to hop another plane whenever the rest of the parts arrive?
Orion4874 said:
God, please don't ask that factory to do anything extra. I' like to get my Panda some time this year!
Since it's pretty obvious they'll be done with first 1000 before they get the rest of the boards and cases does that mean everyone will have to hop another plane whenever the rest of the parts arrive?
I don't think they'll all come back to help assemble the rest. After the first 1,000 they'll have their procedures pretty well sorted, so Craig should be able to coordinate a crew of non-OPT volunteers.

I also dread the thought of the case factory doing more fixes. But, I'm not the one who has to take a file to 20,000 shoulder buttons..!
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The lack of any confirmation the cases have been greenlighted (or greenlit... damn you Gruso, you've made me unsure ;) ) hasn't gotten me worried yet. But it has lowered my expectations in a way that I'm not counting on having mine this year...
@Gruso ...But you would, and you would love it you filthy beast
I think they will run out of cases before the factory sends the rest. Frustrating for me, since i probably ordered a bit too late to make it to the first 1000. And bribes don't work. :(
No, but i think ED mentioned that he or craig got some offers to bump people up in the queue in exchange for a donation. I'm way too broke to bribe anyone.
Why OPT doesn't comment situation with rest boards/cases?
Looks like they intentionally delay.
Maybe they haven't decided. Maybe they've made contact with the case factory but aren't going to dish out more false deadlines. Many maybes.

Just remember that they want it to happen as fast as everyone else does. The fact that they haven't announced anything yet does not make the wait longer, or shorter.
Fishbong said:
No, but i think ED mentioned that he or craig got some offers to bump people up in the queue in exchange for a donation. I'm way too broke to bribe anyone.
Depends on the donation im seriously interested :)
but it doesnt sound like ed that donations can improve your que positions, because fairness to other people.
But it would be a good idea:)
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Gruso said:
But, I'm not the one who has to take a file to 20,000 shoulder buttons..!

I once drilled holes in 20,000 reclaimed roof tiles. got a couple of blisters, and killed a few drill bits!
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They're thinking about keeping the shoulder buttons of the remaining cases unpainted to solve this tiny issue.
Gruso said:
Maybe they haven't decided. Maybe they've made contact with the case factory but aren't going to dish out more false deadlines. Many maybes.

Just remember that they want it to happen as fast as everyone else does. The fact that they haven't announced anything yet does not make the wait longer, or shorter.
We can only guess about rest cases/boards.
May be better OPT find 5 min to inform us about situation?
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