Could This Be Ported


Still Fresh
Sep 28, 2008
I think this game could possibly be ported could one of you devs confirm this
this game... you know... looks... somehow strange :)



  • combat_woman_thumb.jpg
    20 KB · Views: 106
GuchaRU said:
this game... you know... looks... somehow strange :)

Freaking tiny image, what are we looking at here??
It looks small and unreadable is what it looks.

Also, laurensomething is right, lwjgl might not work on OGLES yet.
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Laurencevde said:
It uses lwjgl (lightweight java game library), at least for openGL. It doesn't seem like that has been ported to ARM/openGL ES yet...
Nope, hasn't been ported. I tried to port it myself at some point, but the API is just too dependent on OpenGL 2.0. I tried to use Adventus's wrapper a few months ago, and it didn't pass some essential unit tests after that, so I let it be.

To any future Java programmers who want to do OpenGL on the Pandora: use JOGL 2.x and the OpenGL2ES2 profile (that profile is the common subset of OpenGL 2.0 and OpenGL ES 2.0) or the OpenGL2ES1 profile (that can run on any device with OpenGL ES 1.1 or OpenGL 2.0), or, if you only want the app to run on the Pandora but not on PCs, Macs, Linux x86es or Solaris boxes without recompilation, use the OpenGLES2 or OpenGLES1 profiles. You can of course decide at runtime which profile to use depending on the computer, but you'd have to adapt your gl* calls depending on the platform too, then.

It is also fairly trivial to port a LWJGL application to JOGL and JOAL (for sound), so that should be possible, but it really depends on how extensively some of the LWJGL features are used in the original program.
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