Current status?

This post from Evildragon contradicts the hypothesis.

well, i really trust he, but in the website of openpandora, to buy a premium, they have 2 options, in craigix's shop, or in evildragon's. craigix is first written, and have a link to a website not just to an email. I guess if you want one, you will click and continue after from the link to other website, that write an email to the second option. Just to make an idea, craigix sold much more units that evildragon in the investors units (because yes, we were more like investors that costumers... but is crazy, we have de disadvantages of the investors taking a risk, and the disadvantages of the costumers, getting just what they told us we will get)

If with the premiums is happening the same and craigix is selling three times more, using the numbers of evildragon, it is, each 17, 6 premiums and 9 of the queue. And as we see, it is not speeding up the production... then... it is much more slower.

I am really tired of all this... if i could go back in the time... i will never buy a pandora.. now, it is just that i feel that if i take my money, it have less value that 3 years ago, and would make me even more stupid.

The math doesn't add up (6 plus 9 is 15, not 17) and Craig would ship three times more units than Evildragon, which would make it 6 premiums out of 51 units if your assumption is correct.

Keep in mind that a significant portion of those premiums would be former pre-orders, which would not slow production at all.


last year in november i thought the wait will finally ends by january or february.

now i learn that the rate is 30 a week

during almost 1 year, 1000 units (or less) have been shipped, i'm at the end of the 1st batch queue, so i have to wait 100 weeks whereas i was ready to receive it nexth month...?

I seriously doubt that the rate is only 30 per week. I think the status update was very conservative.