So, I just thought I'd give this another spin with my headphones in, and noticed it does in fact have music and effects

Unfortunately the volume up and down keys are on pgup and pgdown which happen to be the game buttons on the Pandora (and Pyra, fwiw).
In the latest github master I've for now re-mapped the default volume up/dn to just plain '7' and '6' keys. Apart from the Pandora problem with PgUp/PgDn, I had problems on my own new laptop with using those, so this just seemed the easiest for now, hope it will resolve that.
Thanks for this! I'm closing in close on something that I think can relatively passably be called a "version 1" of sorts.
I'm not sure if this is the right way to go, but I've just committed a change in github master that does a '#ifdef PANDORA' to do the "iWidth = 320; iHeight = 200;" thing; my thinking is then in Makefile.pandora you could add "-DPANDORA" to the cflags (if that's not enabled by default on Pandora) --- does that seem like the right way to go to you? Then in theory you wouldn't need to patch the source at least.
Also wondering if I/we also add Makefile.pandora to github master or is that premature, hm? This might be clearer to me in a few weeks time, as I may have to make some changes to look at possible packages for major Linux distros, so the main Makefile may change in that process, I'm not sure.
I did extensive level testing and also found a level that couldn't be completed, and fixed that, I've played the game from start to finish so it's completable. Basically almost everything on my todo list for 'version 1' is done now .. basically settled on an albeit small set of 6 levels, as I don't have time to do more than that, if we do more levels will have to be a version 2 or something.
Curious to know what are still outstanding issues for this port? From those mentioned in this thread eg:
* Credits screen lock-up - still an issue?
* Screen resolution related issues?
* Are the default keys sensible for Pandora? (I guess this is Sam's side of things rather than a source code issue? with the default.cfg ... alternatively I don't mind doing #ifdef PANDORA in the source code to have different default keys, but would need to be guided on good choices)
* "I just hit a bug where I played two games in a row and the second game seemed to have reverted the controls to the default ones" is this still an issue?
Feel free to add to the official issue list at if there are port-related bugs/issues still.
*EDIT* Oh yes one last thing @magic_sam you can probably reduce the size of your release package a lot by removing the .git subfolders under 'data' and main etc. - not sure if that was just an oversight or if you're just not too worried about the size etc., or if that was deliberate.
*Edit2* In the latest release, things like savegame, logs, high scores are all saved under getenv("HOME") under a .gnukem subfolder - please let me know if that has any negative implications for the Pandora port functioning or if that's fine.