Default Email Sig On Pandora?


Aug 17, 2008
Northumberland, UK
Assuming there'll be an email client "out of the box" - should it have the default sig set to something like "Sent from my Pandora Wireless Device" to raise awareness?

(Would people keep that on out of pride, or would it get on their nerves? :lol: )
There are good reasons I don't always want people to know where I am or what device I am using, so there is no way that would stay on mine.

(If you were sending personal html emails rather than plain text, there could be a nice standard 'banner' that was optional - not 'sent from', but including a hyperlink.)
I can guarantee that any email application that has something that obnoxious turned on by default will not ship with the Pandora. If you want to advertise, you have the option to add something like that to your sig yourself.
It would look a bit unprofessional to have "Written on a Pandora games console" (or something) written on the bottom of work related emails.
So yeah, I'd probably remove it too.
So what you're suggesting is that instead of leaving the choice of a signature to the user, it should force an ugly text on everyone using the client?

yep, that's a good idea


written in mozilla firefox
atomicthumbs said:
It's not called a "Pandora Wireless Device".
Well, Blackberry's have a default sig by default (as far as I know... I turned mine off)... It says Blackberry Wireless Device, I'm pretty sure he just replaced Blackberry with Pandora. No need to tear the thread to shreds.

I agree that nothing should be on by default, but it would be cool to add something like that sort of if you feel like it.
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I'll probably have "From my Pandora"...but my friends will know what it is by then anyway, cause I'll have told them all about it. :) But yeah, as with a lot of this stuff, make it an option.
Everyone i know, knows about the pandora project already.

best response i got so far was "meh, what can it really do?"

I just struggle to see the point in it.