A Commando
Panorama (git) (repo) (beta thread)
Some of you might already be familiar with Panorama, the user interface (UI) engine I'm doing with dflemstr based on QtQuick, QML, and plugins that extend its abilities. It's not a UI itself, but provides a base to build rich UIs on top of. Currently it supports listing and launching applications, showing system information like free SD card space and battery state, pandora controls and a preliminary support for package management using Cloudef's libmilky package management backend that utilizes the repository spec, so it's compatible with Milkshake's To see it in action, check out my youtube channel or dflemstr's early videos on vimeo. The package manager plugin (milky-plugin) can queue operations and run several install/remove/upgrade operations at once, my test UI just doesn't use that as it concentrates on simplicity.
Now, I'm not a UI or interaction designer. I don't know what kind of UI would be desirable for anyone else but myself. That's why I'm asking you for help. After I'm done with my current task (milky-plugin and MilkyTest UI), I'd like to try and do a UI based on what YOU want. Specify me a UI that the community wants and I will try my best to implement it. I'm not an artist, so any images need to be done by someone else, but I can do the coding, animation and interaction as far as QML allows. Any gradients and stuff like that is of course easy peasy
. What I'd like the UI to have is both package management and a launcher. These can possibly be combined if so desired, I haven't looked into it yet. Check the videos for examples of both. At this point I'm not looking for feature requests for the engine or its plugins, we have plenty of features we intend to add. What I'm looking for is a visual representation of the UI and interactivity descriptions. Layout pictures, sketches, control specifications, art. In short, a UI design.
As I'd like the opinion of the community on this, it will be something like a popularity contest. If there's enough people wanting me to do a specific UI, I'll try. I can't do many, because there's still a lot of other stuff to do in panorama, and doing UIs takes time. But as I'm doing this for you guys to use, I'd like you to have something you want, not just something I happen to make
Discuss, collaborate, and tell me what to do
PS: Milky-plugin and MilkyTest UI will take some time so I won't jump right at this. I just wanted to start this early so we may have something I can work on when I'm done with them.
EDIT: Added repo link
Some of you might already be familiar with Panorama, the user interface (UI) engine I'm doing with dflemstr based on QtQuick, QML, and plugins that extend its abilities. It's not a UI itself, but provides a base to build rich UIs on top of. Currently it supports listing and launching applications, showing system information like free SD card space and battery state, pandora controls and a preliminary support for package management using Cloudef's libmilky package management backend that utilizes the repository spec, so it's compatible with Milkshake's To see it in action, check out my youtube channel or dflemstr's early videos on vimeo. The package manager plugin (milky-plugin) can queue operations and run several install/remove/upgrade operations at once, my test UI just doesn't use that as it concentrates on simplicity.
Now, I'm not a UI or interaction designer. I don't know what kind of UI would be desirable for anyone else but myself. That's why I'm asking you for help. After I'm done with my current task (milky-plugin and MilkyTest UI), I'd like to try and do a UI based on what YOU want. Specify me a UI that the community wants and I will try my best to implement it. I'm not an artist, so any images need to be done by someone else, but I can do the coding, animation and interaction as far as QML allows. Any gradients and stuff like that is of course easy peasy
As I'd like the opinion of the community on this, it will be something like a popularity contest. If there's enough people wanting me to do a specific UI, I'll try. I can't do many, because there's still a lot of other stuff to do in panorama, and doing UIs takes time. But as I'm doing this for you guys to use, I'd like you to have something you want, not just something I happen to make
Discuss, collaborate, and tell me what to do
PS: Milky-plugin and MilkyTest UI will take some time so I won't jump right at this. I just wanted to start this early so we may have something I can work on when I'm done with them.
EDIT: Added repo link
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