Internal Development
As per the screenshot I posted the other day, here is the first BombZ running on GP32:
It has no levels beside the first demo level or two, but it should serve as a test version so you guys can let me know if it runs well for you and how it feels to you. Theres lots to do yet, like adding levels, audio, better AI, power ups, etc, but it shoudl handle death and multiple lives, level resets etc etc alright. (And its all scrpit driven, which is cool
Let me know what you think
(Once I get some levels in there, I'll release it for windows/mac/unix/linux/palmos/zodiac/gp32 .. it runs on all of them equally
It has no levels beside the first demo level or two, but it should serve as a test version so you guys can let me know if it runs well for you and how it feels to you. Theres lots to do yet, like adding levels, audio, better AI, power ups, etc, but it shoudl handle death and multiple lives, level resets etc etc alright. (And its all scrpit driven, which is cool
Let me know what you think
(Once I get some levels in there, I'll release it for windows/mac/unix/linux/palmos/zodiac/gp32 .. it runs on all of them equally